BEC translation exercise 4】的更多相关文章

Forest fires are a regular feature of Chile's hot, arid summers.智利夏天炙热.干燥,常发生森林火灾.A nearly decade-long drought combined with historically high temperatures have created tinder-like conditions in the nation's central regions.持续了近十年的干旱,加上历史性的高温使该国中部地区一…
U.S. oil drillers have made major efficiency improvements with a speed that has repeatedly surprised analysts.美国石油钻井工的效率得到了极大的提高,现在的钻井速度不断让分析师感到惊讶. I'm not in such good shape as I was a couple of years back. 现在我的身体不如几年前好了. Cycling world records can b…
在挑选时我们完全出自疏忽而漏过了这篇短文.In making the selection we passed this short piece by quite inadvertently. we lose the passage by inadvertently 一个在诉讼案中竭尽全力贿赂法官的党派 A partly in iltigation tried to squre the judge 教师要他们坐在一起讨论讨论以消除分歧.The teacher asked them to sit d…
People have long known that nuts are part of a healthy diet.人们早就知道坚果是健康饮食的一部分.People, who you know well, can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience.你熟知的人能够为你提供好的建议,给你不同的视角,或分享他们自身的经验.I bought this comput…
When you are in any contest you should work as if there were — to the very last minute — a chance to lose it.比赛就应当拼尽全力,坚持到最后一分钟,以免功败垂成. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best, or at least tries to give that impression. I am sure I will…
You're supposed to do that before 10.30 in the morning, but obviously, if it's an emergency, you can phone at any time, night or day. He writes what medication you need on it and you take it to a chemist's shop. If it's for a child under 16, you don'…
高中听力: At five o'clock, we have afternoon tea, but we don't have it in the kitchen. Father's Day is the third Sunday of June. I will be 27 years old. I will live in Sydney, Australia. Two men went into the bank at nine fifty.九点五十分两名男子走进了银行. They got i…
听力练习: All societies have ways of encouraging and enforcing what they view as appropriate behaviour while discouraging and punishing what they consider to be improper conducts.所有的社会都有一些方式去鼓励和实施他们认为的适当行为,同时阻止和惩罚他们认为不当的行为. Use common sense. Respect othe…
However, recently there's been more and more interest in the development of ostrich farming in other parts of the world.但是, 最近世界其他地区对养殖鸵鸟的兴趣也日渐浓厚. Ostrich meat is slightly higher in protein than beef and much lower in fats and cholesterol.鸵鸟肉蛋白质含量比牛肉…
The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning. He got a large fortune when his father died, but trifled it away in only a few years of needless spending.父亲去世时他得到一大笔财产,可仅仅几年的时间就将这笔钱胡乱挥霍一空. 给无家可归的人们发放食物是一种减轻他们痛苦的行为(Distributing food among the homel…