建表 ActiveRecord::Schema.define do drop_table :hosts if table_exists? :hosts create_table :hosts do |table| table.column :name, :string end drop_table :disks if table_exists? :disks create_table :disks do |table| table.column :host_id, :integer table.…
前情提要:在第四天里,我们用参赛者的例子解说实体方法与类别方法.类别中的实体物件,想要玩弄方法时,可以有三种取用方式:(跟斯斯有三种一样) 该类别所定义的实体方法. 模块中可取得的实体方法.(关于模块,记得第三天的include与extend比较吗?) 类别方法:类别物件的singleton method Class can use methods from three areas: Instances of class can call methods that are defined as…
安装cocoapods,记录两个问题! 1.镜像已经替换成了 http://ruby.taobao.org/, 还是不能不能安装cocoapods, 报错:Unable to download data from http://ruby.taobao.org/ - bad response Not Found 404 (http://ruby.taobao.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz) 如图: 原来是ruby.taobao.org已经停止基于 HTTP 协议的镜像服务, 启用…