Delphi XE7 Update1修正列表 官方下载地址:修正列表:更新内容: Keygen…
Non-static data member initializers 非静态成员变量初始化变得简单,这个XE7 64位编译成功,32位还是不支持 As a simple example, struct TPerson {  String aname = "张三"; }; class A { public: int a = 7; String aName = "MyName"; }; would be equivalent to class A { public:…
Delphi XE5,XE6需要用户手工编译并将Classes.Dex加入到包中,不过Delphi XE7可以省掉这些工作了. 如何在XE7中调用Java,具体步骤如下: 1.将jar文件添加到XE7的工程中 2.生成Delphi的JNI接口文件 可以使用Java2op命令,,_the_Native_Bridge_File_Generator_for_Android 或者java…
Understanding the Message-Handling System All VCL classes have a built-in mechanism for handling messages, called message-handling methods or message handlers.… Integer Data Types Type Description Pointer Byte 8-bit unsigned integer PByte ShortInt 8-bit signed integer PShortInt Word 16-bit unsigned integer PWord SmallInt 16-bit signed integer…
结果: 1.分享文本不好使,原因不明.有大神了解的,请M我,在此十分感谢. 2.如果想支持图片编辑,将Action事件的Editable改为True. 相关资料: 官网地址:,_and_Sharing_Text_(iOS_and_Android) 实例代码: unit Unit1; interface uses…
raised exception class TDBXError with message 'DBX Error:  Driver could not be properly initialized.  Client library may be missing, not installed properly, of the wrong version, or the driver may be missing from the system path.'. http://docwiki.emb…
FDMetaInfoQuery FireDAC 查询数据库表.存储过程.字段信息等 MetaInfoKind属性有17种类型,获取数据库名称.表.字段.主键等信息.强大强大,不用写sql语句 mkNonemkC…
1. Delphi XE7调用Java Class,JAR ZC: 文章中又提到:,_the_Native_Bridge_File_Generator_for_Android 2. [源码分享] Delphi XE7调用JAVA的JAR…