2070. Interesting Numbers Time limit: 2.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Nikolay and Asya investigate integers together in their spare time. Nikolay thinks an integer is interesting if it is a prime number. However, Asya thinks an integer is interesting i…
1150. Page Numbers Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB John Smith has decided to number the pages in his notebook from 1 to N. Please, figure out the number of zeros, ones, twos, …, nines he might need. Input One number N (1 ≤ N < 109). Output…
A. Extract Numbers Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/600/problem/A Description You are given string s. Let's call word any largest sequence of consecutive symbols without symbols ',' (comma) and ';' (semicolon…
1013. K-based Numbers. Version 3 Let’s consider K-based numbers, containing exactly N digits. We define a number to be valid if its K-based notation doesn’t contain two successive zeros. For example: 1010230 is a valid 7-digit number; 1000198 is not…
A. Johny Likes Numbers 题目连接: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/678/problem/A Description Johny likes numbers n and k very much. Now Johny wants to find the smallest integer x greater than n, so it is divisible by the number k. Input The only line con…