Common requirement is to show the reports in customer’s language. [example : Quotations, sales confirmations, invoices, Free text invoices, Return order acknowledgements , Agreements,  Purchase order confirmations etc]. This was easily achievable in…
Session for SSRS Report of Microsoft Dynamics AX 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. Contract •A data contract class has methods with the DataMemberAttribute [DataContractAttribute] attribute. The name that follows the attribute is the parameter name that dis… Problem SSRS report subscriptions are a great feature…
Below is the small code snippet to get the underlying query of the SSRS report, reset query, prompt the parameters form, add our own ranges and execute the report. You can customize the job as per your requirements. Below I have used CustBaseData.Rep…
1. 获取Textbox的值,根据Textbox值更改单元格颜色 Textbox值:=ReportItems!Textbox1.Value 当前单元格的值:=Me.Value =IIF(ReportItems!Textbox1.Value > 0,"Black","Red") 2. SSRS Report export to Excel the row height won't expand. SSRS报表导出到Excel的时候,行高为默认行高,没有自动增大.…
平时,我们制作SSRS Report的方法主要有两种:使用Query或RDP.如果需要为报表传递参数,就要在代码中为报表参数赋值,然后在代码中调用报表.下面我总结下这两种报表在代码中传参和调用的方式: 1.使用Query作为报表数据源 1.1.Dynamic Filters属性 在VS中,需要注意Report DataSource的Dynamic Filters属性. 1.1.1.如果Dynamic Filters属性为True的话,会在Report Parameter中生成一个叫做DS_Dyn…
大家应该都知道.Dynamics CRM能集成SSRS Report,而且我也在之前的博文中讨论过怎样制作一个简单的SSRS Report并部署到Dynamics CRM中.今天我们来看看一些比較有用的功能.比方:怎样让报表显示在Form Level下的Run on current record选择中,以及怎样支持Run on selected records功能. 假设我们想制作支持例如以下功能的报表.我们应该从何入手呢? 1. Run on selected records 2. Run o…
tile label using [#99ccff] property BackgroundColor - > expression =Iif(Fields!Flag.Value = "1", "Green","Transparent")…
Report processing of Microsoft Dynamic AX 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. The implementation of a general electronic report usually has four classes. Contract: Comment: Contract class is data contract class for SSRS report . Intent: Gets or sets the value…
原文 Display Database Image using MS SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services With the new release of MS SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services has introduced a new feature that will help report developers (Business Intelligence BI professionals) to display imag…