两台linux之间建立信任关系,实现免密码远程登录或数据上传 1.执行ssh-keygen命令,生成建立安全信任关系的证书: linux1上:执行命令 ssh-keygen -t rsa 在程序提示输入时的单个地方都直接回车(无证书密码) [shenping@]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/hom…
=============================================================asp.net========================================num = Convert.ToInt32(ini.IniReadValue("Record", "Num").ToString());num++; Random random = new Random();//保存文件的虚拟路径string path…
2016年2月14日以后打包上传AppStore会发现出现如下的问题: 导致问题的原因是:下边这个证书过期了 以下是苹果官方给出的回应: Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the community and apologies for the issues you've been having. This issue stems from having a copy of the expired WWDR Intermediate cert…