Raymond Mill is suitable for producing minerals powder, which is widely used in the metallurgy, building materials, chemical, and mining industry. It can be used for grinding barite, calcite, potash feldspar, talc, marble, ceramic, glass and some oth…
原文见:http://blog.jobbole.com/79421/ [译注]:Eric Raymond是开源运动的领袖人物,对于UNIX开发有很深的造诣,主持开发了fetchmail.他的<大教堂与集市>被奉为开源运动的经典之作.下面对几大开发语言的评价非常中肯,是我近年来看到的比较出色的评论.特别是他评价中抱有的那种“简单就是好”的思想,很值得我们深思.我特别选译出一些段落,供大家阅读思考. Raymond 此文不是在泛泛地去谈语言的优劣,而是要回答一个问题:在UNIX下开发开源项目,如何…
Ok, Go ahead. 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 注:union 在 Common Lisp 中的作用就是求两个集合的并集.但是这有一个前提,即给的两个列表已经满足集合的属性了.具体的操作过程似乎是对第一个 list 中的每一个元素在第二个 list 中查找,如无则标记一下:待第一个 list 的所有元素在第二个 list 中查完以后将所有标记过的元素放入一个 list 中与第二个 list 进行合并.这意味着,如果刚开始给的两个 list 不完全满足集合的属性,则会有重复出现…
首先,在对 Lisp 有一丢丢的了解下读这篇文章会大大激发你学下去的欲望.之后可以看作者的著作<ANSI Common Lisp>. 想要体会一下 Lisp 的强大,本文是不二之选. Concept atom list Primitive Operators atom eq car cdr cons cond quote Other defun lambda Type 'a 'b ... "string" 1 2 3 ... () nil 't 就上面这些,作者搞了一个 e…
1. Write a procedure count-list to count the number of elements in a list (defun count-list (numbers) ( (+ (count-list (rest numbers))))) (print (count-list '(1 2 3)))5 6 result: 3 2. Write a procedure reverse-list to reverse each word in a list of w…
看到ANSI Common Lisp 第三章的游程编码时,就发现作者很准确的使用了list和cons来生成目标列表,虽然list是由cons扩展而来,区别也仅仅是最后一个元素的加入方式,于是勾起了之前对cons的疑问. 当看到下面的这样的代码: (cons '(a b) '(c d)) 你会觉得输出结果是 ((a b) (c d)) 还是 ((a b) c d) 虽然敲入一下代码,就知道是后者,可是,为什么呢? 仔细看第三章cons的说明,发现cons放在c语言里面,无非就是一个如下的结构 ty…
It has been a long time that I haven't dealt with my blog. On one hand I was preparing the exams.On the other hand I just learn more things and take some documents at local PC. As a result, I begin to learn Lisp as planned. 2.10 Variables let ; defin…
Difference between LET and LET* in Common LISP LET Parallel binding which means the bindings come to life at the same time and they do not shadow each other. The values are effective inside LET and they are undefined outside LET. Just like local…