
在每个MongoDB(版本 3.2.9) Instance中,都有一个本地数据库(local),用于存储 Replication 进程的信息和本地数据.local 数据库的特性是:位于local数据库中的数据和集合不会被 Replication 进程复制到其他MongoDB instance上.如果实例上有些collection 和 data不计划被复制到其他MongoDB Instance,可以将这些collection 和 data 存储在local 数据库中. MongoDB shell提…
Table of Contents Introduction Requirements Create Replica Set Add Secondary Members Add an Arbiter Introduction A replica set provides MongoDB with redundancy and increased data availability by replicating the database to multiple servers. The prima…
[客户的写请求全部发送至主节点] Primary. The primary receives all write operations. Secondaries. Secondaries replicate operations from the primary to maintain an identical data set. Secondaries may have additional configurations for special usage profiles. For exam…
关于芒果的权限控制说白了就是定义 Role(角色) 来控制对数据库进行的操作(调用的方法比如查询方法find). 系统内置的Role分为 以下几大类: Database User Roles 这个是针对非系统数据库和部分系统表的角色组 Database Administration Roles 可以操作所有数据库 Cluster Administration Roles 管理员族 针对整个系统进行管理 Backup and Restoration Roles 备份还原角色组 All-Databa… 1 oplog 改变大小 --详见mongodb log2 repl 成员维护 1 Stop a secondary db.shutdownServer() 2 Restart the secondary as a standalone on a different port mongod --port 37017 --dbpath /…
    High Availability and PyMongo高可用性和PyMongo************************************ PyMongo makes it easy to write highly available applications whether you use a single replica set or a large sharded cluster.不论你使用一个简单的副本集还是一个大型的分片集群,Pymongo都让你能轻松的写出高可…
Before you can code sign your app, you create your development certificate and later, a distribution certificate to upload your app to iTunes Connect. You can create all the types of certificates and signing identities you need using Xcode. Xcode cre…
mongo(五)副本集 配置文件 1-3为三个存储节点,其实一个为Primary,两个secondary作为备份,4为仲裁节点 # mongod.conf #where to log logpath=/home/data/db/mongodb2.log logappend=true # fork and run in background fork=true port=33197 dbpath=/home/yuxianda/data/db/db2 # location of pidfile pi…
原文地址: 另外可以参考: 前言 Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana(ELK)是一套开源的日志管理方案,分析网站的访问情况时我们一般会借助Google/百…
#more /opt/mongodb3.0/mongodb_im_conf_47020/mongodb3.0_im_47020.cnf dbpath = /opt/mongodb3.0/mongodb_im_data_47020/ # 指定数据库路径logpath = /opt/mongodb3.0/mongodb_im_log_47020/mongodb.log # 日志路径logappend = true # 以追加的方式写日志port = 47020 # 指定端口号,默认47020fork…