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一.SGX技术背景 1.1 SGX技术定义 SGX全称Intel Software Guard Extensions,顾名思义,其是对因特尔体系(IA)的一个扩展,用于增强软件的安全性.这种方式并不是识别和隔离平台上的所有恶意软件,而是将合法软件的安全操作封装在一个enclave中,保护其不受恶意软件的攻击,特权或者非特权的软件都无法访问enclave,也就是说,一旦软件和数据位于enclave中,即便操作系统或者和VMM(Hypervisor)也无法影响enclave里面的代码和数据.Encl…
If you're a developer of a SaaS application that allows business users to create and share content – it is likely that your customers have requested the ability to grant access to Active Directory groups. For traditional applications running within t…
Running Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud is simple, but it doesn't take too much effort to come up with several great questions about this new set of options.  We have published a document that answers those questions: Oracle E-Business Suite…
You can now run Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud.  EBS customers can take advantage of rapid environment provisioning, elastic infrastructure that scales up on demand, and a pay-as-you-go model to reduce capital expenditures. EBS customers hav…
相关源码: spring cloud demo 微服务的目的: 松耦合 事件驱动的优势:高度解耦 Spring Cloud Stream 的几个概念 Spring Cloud Stream is a framework for building message-driven microservice applications. 官方定义 Spring Cloud Stream 是一个构建消息驱动微服务的框架. Spring Cloud Stream Application 应用程序通过 inpu…
https://www.simform.com/multi-cloud-architecture/ Enterprises increasingly want to take advantage of the flexibility and choice of multiple cloud offerings in order to use best cloud services while achieving satisfactory cost reduction benefits. In f…
Resolving Cloud Save Conflicts IN THIS DOCUMENT Get Notified of Conflicts Handle the Simple Cases Design a Strategy for More Complex Cases First Attempt: Store Only the Total Second Attempt: Store the Total and the Delta Solution: Store the Sub-total…
这是一个采用 .NET Enterprise Application Server 技术的端到端示例应用程序.应用程序代码可以从 这里 下载. 代码中演示了WCF服务和移动开发,包括用Xamarin Android和Xamarid ios 开发的移动客户端.这里有个视频介绍: Updating Microsoft’s StockTrader Sample Application Announcing StockTrader 6 Reference Application: Cross-Devic…
Undo the work performed by a series of steps, which together define an eventually consistent operation, if one or more of the steps fail. Operations that follow the eventual consistency model are commonly found in cloud-hosted applications that imple…