1解决iterm远程登录主机报错 -bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory 2 更改Mac本机的ssh_config,而不是更改服务器的 sudo vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config 注释掉 SendEnv LANG LC_* 3 重新登陆远程主机,解决…
I have been quite annoyed by a Windows bug that causes a huge number of open-source command-line tools to choke on multi-byte characters at the Windows Command Prompt. The MSVCRT.DLL shipped with Windows Vista or later has been having big troubles wi…
// crt_strlen.c // Determine the length of a string. For the multi-byte character // example to work correctly, the Japanese language support for // non-Unicode programs must be enabled by the operating system. #include <string.h> #include <local…