This question already has an answer here: External calls are not supported - CUDA 1 answer I am trying to understand how to decouple CUDA __device__ codes in separate header files. I have three files. File: : int2.cuh #ifndef INT2_H_ #define INT2_H_…
一:代码: 1.1 入口文件: index.js var server = require('./server'); var router = require("./router"); var requestHandlers = require("./requestHandlers"); var handle = {}; handle["/"] = requestHandlers.start; handle["/start"]…
在使用ubuntu16.4编译Linux-2.6.31内核时出现这样的错误 可以修改timeconst.pl的内容后正常编译. 以下是编译错误提示的内容: Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at kernel/ line 373. /opt/ARM/mini6410/linux/linux-2.6.38/kernel/Makefile:140: recipe fo…
要对vector中的自定义类型进行排序,首先需要提供一个函数bool comp(const Interval & a, const Interval & b) 来定义类型的排序准则 然后调用std::sort(intervals.begin(),intervals.end(),comp) 写了几个小的测试用例也都通过了,但是当集成在类中的时候编译遇到问题, Line 30: no matching function for call to 'sort(std::vector<Int…