Python Base Four】的更多相关文章

Python Base of Scientific Stack(Python基础之科学栈) 1. Python的科学栈(Scientific Stack) NumPy NumPy提供度多维数组对象,以存储同构或者异构数据:它还提供操作这一数组对象的优化函数/方法. SciPy SciPy是一组子库和函数,实现科学或者金融中常常需要的重要标准功能: Matplotlib Matplotlib这是最流行的Python绘图和可视化库,提供2D和3D可视化功能. PyTables PyTables是最流…
35. In python, file operation syntax is similar to c. open(file,'r',……) //the first parameters is necessary, other is optional ,the second parameters is 'r' by default if you want to open a file, you can use: f = open('//Users//wyg_mac//Desktop//Acco…
//this is my first day to study python, in order to review, every day i will make notes (2016/7/31) 1. In python , there are many bulit-in funcation. you can use follow to find out hou many built-in funcation: dir(__builtins__) if you want get BIF de…
// 8 day(2016/8/11) 38. In python , it is oop. class Baskball:         def setName(self, name):       = name         def kick(self):                print('my name is %s' %      baskball = Baskball()      baskball.setName…
//sixth day to study python(2016/8/7) 32. In python , there are have an special type dictionary , it is same with oc. such as: dicOne = {'wyg':'write code change world', 'roy':'you cand do it', 'tom':'just do it'} dicOne -> {'wyg':'write code change…
//fourth day to study python 24. In python , how to create funcation. we can use def to define funcation. such as: def MyFirstFuncation(): print('this is my first funcation') MyFirstFuncation() -> this is my first funcatio. if there are no MyFirstFun…
C:\Users\Jeffery1u>python Python 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 17:13:21) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32 Warning: This Python interpreter is in a conda environment, but the environment has not been activated. Libraries may fail…
python中base64编码与解码   引言: 在一些项目中,接口的报文是通过base64加密传输的,所以在进行接口自动化时,需要对所传的参数进行base64编码,对拿到的响应报文进行解码: Base64编码是一种“防君子不防小人”的编码方式.广泛应用于MIME协议,作为电子邮件的传输编码,生成的编码可逆,后一两位可能有“=”,生成的编码都是ascii字符.优点:速度快,ascii字符,肉眼不可理解缺点:编码比较长,非常容易被破解,仅适用于加密非关键信息的场合python2中进行Base64编…
import BaseHTTPServer import cgi, random, sys MESSAGES = [ "That's as maybe, it's still a frog.", "Albatross! Albatross! Albatross!", "It's Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.", "A pink form from Reading.", "Hello people,…
听说不想扯淡的程序猿,不是一只好猿.所以今天来扯扯淡,不贴代码,只讲设计思想. 0x00 起 - 初始设计 我们的目标是设计一枚通用的弱密码扫描器,基本功能是针对不同类型的弱密码,可方便的扩展,比如添加SSH.SVN.phpmyadmin的弱密码扫描功能.我们设定启动方法是命令行,可以通过命令行指定扫描对象,以及扫描哪些弱密码. 既然是要求可扩展,那我们首先来编写一个通用的框架,然后通过添加POC的方法来实现扩展.在这个框架中,我们需要处理的事情包括: 初始化扫描对象(格式化URL.从文件或数据…