maven install 或 package 时 ,执行警告报错: [WARNING] The POM for com.xx-base:jar:1.0 is missing, no dependency information available [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project xx-mobi: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.xx-mobi:jar:1.0: Failed to…
[WARNING] The POM for cn.e3mall:e3mall-common:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT is missing, no dependency information available[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] Reactor Summary:[INFO] [INFO] e3mall-manager .......…
#!/usr/bin/python # 8th November, 2009 # update manager failed, giving me the error: # 'files list file for package 'xxx' is missing final newline' for every package. # some Googling revealed that this problem was due to corrupt files(s) in /var/lib/…
今天,某个开发的环境在编译的时候提示警告The POM for XXX is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available,编译失败. update他提交的代码下来之后,确实有这个问题,按照网上的一种方法,右键项目,maven,update之后,LZ的环境没有问题了.但是他那边还是这个问题,并且在$HOME下生成了一个0KB大小的fakerepo/路径/XXX.jar,eclipse clean,重启机器,网上各种…
问题一: 把父工程tao-parent install 到maven本地仓后,接着install tao-common工程,然后报错 报错信息如下: [WARNING] The POM for com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.4.2 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available,enable debug logging for more de…