Luogu P1339 热浪Heat Wave】的更多相关文章

Luogu P1339 热浪Heat Wave 裸·单源最短路. 但是! 有以下坑点: 算过复杂度发现Floyd跑不过去就不要用了. 如果建边是双向边,边的数组大小要开两倍! 考场上如果再把初始化的$dis[i]=INF$写成$dis[n]=INF$,或者忘记$dis[s]=0$之类的话,就直接火葬场了-- #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define N 2510 #define M 6210 #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f using namespace s… 题目描述 The good folks in Texas are having a heatwave this summer. Their Texas Longhorn cows make for good eating but are not so adept at creating creamy delicious dairy products. Farmer John is leading the ch…
P1339 [USACO09OCT]热浪Heat Wave 题目描述 The good folks in Texas are having a heatwave this summer. Their Texas Longhorn cows make for good eating but are not so adept at creating creamy delicious dairy products. Farmer John is leading the charge to delive…
题目描述 The good folks in Texas are having a heatwave this summer. Their Texas Longhorn cows make for good eating but are not so adept at creating creamy delicious dairy products. Farmer John is leading the charge to deliver plenty of ice cold nutritiou…
题目描述 The good folks in Texas are having a heatwave this summer. Their Texas Longhorn cows make for good eating but are not so adept at creating creamy delicious dairy products. Farmer John is leading the charge to deliver plenty of ice cold nutritiou…
我太lj了,所以趁着夜色刷了道最短路的水题....然后,,我炸了. 题目描述: The good folks in Texas are having a heatwave this summer. Their Texas Longhorn cows make for good eating but are not so adept at creating creamy delicious dairy products. Farmer John is leading the charge to d…
题目链接: 解题思路: 一道简单的最短路水题,dijkstra解法模板思路: AC代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int ff=0x3f3f3f; ][],a,b,c; ]; ]; void dij(int s){ memset(vi…
题目描述 The good folks in Texas are having a heatwave this summer. Their Texas Longhorn cows make for good eating but are not so adept at creating creamy delicious dairy products. Farmer John is leading the charge to deliver plenty of ice cold nutritiou…
题目描述 The good folks in Texas are having a heatwave this summer. Their Texas Longhorn cows make for good eating but are not so adept at creating creamy delicious dairy products. Farmer John is leading the charge to deliver plenty of ice cold nutritiou…
题目链接 最短路 解题思路 dijkstra直接过 注意: 双向边 memset ma数组要在读入之前 AC代码 #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int n,m,ts,te; ]; ]; ][]; int main(){ cin>>n>>m>>ts>>te; mem…