DB tuning advisor是创建优化任务,对某些sql数据库进行分析,并尽量给出优化建议的一个强大的数据库工具. 自己平时几乎没用过这玩意,所以来测一测用法,其实对于一些sql一筹莫展的时候跑跑这个,看看数据库的建议也是一个突破点. 一般利用database tuning advisor的顺序: 找出要去优化调整的sql_id,创建优化任务 Login as SYSTEM (or any other user) at sqlplus and create the tuning task:…
16.1 Introduction to SQL Tuning Identifying high load or top SQL statements that are responsible for a large share of the application workload and system resources, by reviewing past SQL execution history available in the system Verifying that the ex…