Sub Md() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' 宏由 BX 录制,时间: 2012-6-8 ' 宏中的列数可以输入 A - IV 也可以输入 1-256 ' Dim i%, j%, i1%, j1%, i2%, j2% myi = UCase(InputBox("第一列")) myj = UCase(InputBox("第二列")) ' '************************************ If myi Like "[A-Z]…
今天项目组的一个同事问我如何快速的找到一个Excel中第3列和第5列的值完全重复的值,我想了想虽然Excel中自带查找重复值的功能,但是好像只能对同一列进行比较,所以就写了一个VBA进行处理,VBA非常简单,但效果不错. Sub FindDuplicatesInColumn() Dim lastRow As Long Dim matchFoundIndex As Long Dim iCntr As Long lastRow = ' 初始化临时列, 第7列用来存放结果,第8列将3 5两列的值拼接起…
'近日有本论坛网友问:DataGridView如何实现列标头带数据筛选功能,就象Excel高级筛选功能一样 '今晚正好闲着没事,加之以前也没用到过这个需求,所以就写了个模拟功能,供各位坛友酌情参考. 'VB.NET 2008 环境 '新建一个项目后,只需在Form1中拉一个DataGridView,一个ComboBox,然后将下面代码复制粘贴即可,其它什么也不用做 Public Class Form1 Dim SelectedCol As Integer = 0, IsFindit As Boo…
Given a positive integer, return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet. For example: 1 -> A 2 -> B 3 -> C ... 26 -> Z 27 -> AA 28 -> AB Credits:Special thanks to @ifanchu for adding this problem and creating all test…
import xlwt import os def write_excel(words,filename): #写入Excel的函数,words是数据,filename是文件名 wb=xlwt.Workbook() sheet=wb.add_sheet('sheet1') attr=['词语','词性','词频'] #第一行:属性行 for col in range(3): sheet.write(0,col,attr[col]) for row in range(1,len(words)+1)…
Related to question Excel Sheet Column Title Given a column title as appear in an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number. For example: A -> 1 B -> 2 C -> 3 ... Z -> 26 AA -> 27 AB -> 28 Credits:Special thanks to @ts for addi…