02.28 day03】的更多相关文章

print(1 or 3 > 2 and 4 < 5 or 6 and 2 < 7)## while True:# print(11)# print(22)# # break# # quit()# exit('网络连接失败!!')# print(33)## print(44) # day02作业及默写# Day2作业及默写# 1.判断下列逻辑语句的True,False.# 1)1 > 1 or 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 and 9 >…
梦想MxWeb3D协同设计平台 2019.02.28更新 SDK开发包下载地址: http://www.mxdraw.com/ndetail_10130.html 在线演示网址: http://www.mxdraw.com:3000/ 1.  编写API CHM帮助文档 2.  增加保存和回退功能 3.  增加图纸搜索位置设置函数,addFileSearchPath 4.  完善绘图函数 5.  优化后台缓存文件大小 6.  优化前后台代码 7.  增加清除函数…
Other API Best Practices: API Management Rewriting History with Git Rebase .NET Announcing Microsoft.IO.RecycableMemoryStream Web How I Decide which Web Front-End Framework to Use Web App Architecture - the Spring MVC - AngularJs stack Single page Ap…
Database Managing disk space in MongoDB When to use GridFS on MongoDB .NET The Past, Present, and Future of C# Use Mono.Cecil to Reflect Assembly Metadata with Better Performance Using .NET HttpClient to capture partial Responses CLR is Not Allowed M…
传送门 题意:给一个串,每个位置有一个权值,当S[s...s+len−1]=S[t...t+len−1]&&S[s...s+len]̸=S[t..t+len]S[s...s+len-1]=S[t...t+len-1]\&\&S[s...s+len]\not=S[t..t+len]S[s...s+len−1]=S[t...t+len−1]&&S[s...s+len]̸​=S[t..t+len]时我们称两个字串是"lenlenlen"相似的,…
传送门 fftfftfft菜题. 题意简述:给一个数列aia_iai​,对于i=1→ni=1\rightarrow ni=1→n求出ansi=∑i<jai(i−j)2−∑i>jai(i−j)2ans_i=\sum_{i<j}\frac{a_i}{(i-j)^2}-\sum_{i>j}\frac{a_i}{(i-j)^2}ansi​=∑i<j​(i−j)2ai​​−∑i>j​(i−j)2ai​​ 思路: 考虑分开求减号前后的两组和. 前面的直接是一个卷积的形式,后面的可以…
我TM的终于改完了(其实都是SB题) 题目链接: T1送分,T2前40%送分,还有骗分机制在里面,T3暴力50 所以200应该有的吧(事后诸葛亮) 但T2的第一问智障了,但是无解骗分(直接搞一个数再开个根)弄了38分,所以RANK还是蛮高的. 日常膜拜dalao CJJ 终于涨Rating了 T1 很无脑,但有点坑.就是纯的高精度乘法,注意一下0.2输出.2之类的问题就好了 小数点不用管,最后算一下小数部分几位再输出就可…
Golang FromXToGo micro - A microservice toolkit Other Easy parsing of Excel spreadsheet format with Swift's Codable protocols Front-End Performance Checklist 2019 [PDF, Apple Pages, MS Word] Questions for a new technology Mobile iOS Performance Trick…
JAVA How to Improve the Performance of a Java Application Java Memory Management Writing Java Microservices With WSO2 Microservices Framework for Java (MSF4J) Microservices with Spring Boot - Part 1 - Getting Started - Part5 3 Things Every Java Devel…
Web Debouncing and Throttling Explained Through Examples What is TypeScript? An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Using npm .NET Analyzing a .NET Core Core Dump on Linux Profiling a .NET Core Application on Linux Golang TCP/IP Networking Go advanced testi…