Python Standard Library "We'd like to pretend that 'Fredrik' is a role, but even hundreds of volunteers couldn't possibly keep up. No, 'Fredrik' is the result of crossing an http server with a spam filter with an emacs whatsit and some other stuff be…
在开发中,经常需要在创建对象的同时明确对象对的属性值, 比如一个Person对象创建时候就应该有age和name等属性 那么如何做到在创建对象的同时给对象的属性初始化值呢? 这里介绍构造方法: 1.构造方法没有返回值类型,更没有返回值,因为它是构建对象的,对象创建完,方法就执行结束 2.构造方法名必须和类型保持一致 3.构造方法什么时候运行呢?答:在创建对象的时候自动执行,而且只运行一次 定义示例: public class Person { public Person(){ System.ou…
构造方法:__construct,析构方法:__destruct 代码示例: <?php class Person { public $name; public $age; public function __construct($name,$age) { $this->name=$name; $this->age=$age; } public function showInformation() { echo "<br/>姓名:".$this->n…