Several Ideas on Perl List Context】的更多相关文章

According to Beginning Perl Book published by Tsinghua Pub., the list context appears when you are trying to assign some value to a list variable. my @copy = @source; This is a very simple instance of shallow copy, which usually means you just copied…
Socket and Host Configuration This set of directives will allow you to configure your virtual hosts. In practice, this materializes by creating server blocks that you identify either by a hostname or by an IP address and port combination. In addition…
Introduction The problem of searching for patterns in data is a fundamental one and has a long and successful history. For instance, the extensive astronomical observations of Tycho Brahe in the 16th century allowed Johannes Kepler to discover the em…
Learn Perl in about 2 hours 30 minutes By Sam Hughes Perl is a dynamic, dynamically-typed, high-level, scripting (interpreted) language most comparable with PHP and Python. Perl's syntax owes a lot to ancient shell scripting tools, and it is famed fo…
格式优美的perl代码不但让人赏心悦目,并且能够方便阅读. perltidy的是sourceforge的一个小项目,在我们写完乱七八糟的代码后,他能像变魔术一样把代码整理得漂美丽亮,快来体验一下吧!!! perltidy 主页: 安装方法: 进入解压后的文件夹,然后运行一下命令 perl Makefile.PL make make test make install 用法: 配置一下vim,使得我们在写代…
项目里面一直用的是Perl,Perl里有各种小技巧就分享在这吧. push(@a, $b) 把b元素压入a数组中, 还可以有 push(@a, [@b]); 那a就成了二维数组了 scalar(@a); my $b = @a; a的长度 =~的正则匹配时 =~s///g全局替换 =//i匹配,$1,$2对应第一个,第二个捕获组 opendir readdir 遍历目录 my($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime…
catalog . PCRE Introduction . pcre2api . pcre2jit . PCRE Programing 1. PCRE Introduction The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. PCRE has its own native…
1.  单引号字符串中的\n不会被当做换行符处理. 如:'\'\\'  -->  '\  . 2.  双引号 字符串联    "Hello"."World"."\n"  -->  HelloWrold 换行; 字符串重复操作   "fred"×3  --> "fredfredfred"; 大小写       "\l","\L"  -->  小写…
We recommend collecting test ideas continuously from a variety of information sources. Consider the following, and think about values, risks, opportunities; find shortcuts to cover what is important.1. Capabilities. The first and obvious test ideas d…
这是标准的Perl解释器所支持的所有重要函数/功能的列表.在一个函数中找到它的详细信息. abs - 绝对值函数 accept - 接受传入的socket连接 alarm - 调度一个SIGALRM atan2 -Y/X的反正切值,范围在-PI到PI bind - 地址绑定到一个套接字 binmode - 准备二进制文件I / O bless - 创建一个对象 caller - 获取当前子程序调用的上下文 chdir - 改变当前的工作目录 chmod - 改变权限的文件列表 chomp - 从…