Find next higher number with same digits. Example 1 : if num = 25468, o/p = 25486 Example 2 : if num = 21765, o/p = 25167 Example 3 : If num = 54321, o/p = 54321 (cause it's not possible to gen a higher num than tiz with given digits ). Google的面试题,实际…
在 Unity 写 Shader 的时候,在一个循环里面使用了 tex2D 函数,类似与下面这样: fixed2 center = fixed2(0.5,0.5); fixed2 uv = i.uv - center; for (fixed j = 0; j < _Strength; j++) { c1 += tex2D(_MainTex,uv*(1 - 0.01*j) + center).rgb; } 打apk没什么问题,但是打win版本的时候有个报错 unable to unroll loo… Find the Missing Number Given an array contains N numbers of 0 .. N, find which number doesn't exist in the array.   Example Given N = 3 and the array [0, 1, 3], return 2. Challenge Do it i…
just use the java's printf function. It is like C's printf. System.out.printf("%.3f\n", x);…
[HDU3709]Balanced Number 试题描述 A balanced number is a non-negative integer that can be balanced if a pivot is placed at some digit. More specifically, imagine each digit as a box with weight indicated by the digit. When a pivot is placed at some digit…
Number Game Alice and Bob are playing a game on a line of N squares. The line is initially populated with one of each of the numbers from 1 to N. Alice and Bob take turns removing a single number from the line, subject to the restriction that a numbe…
面试题 17. 打印从 1 到最大的 n 位数 题目描述 题目:输入数字 n,按顺序打印出从 1 最大的 n 位十进制数.比如输入 3,则打印出 1.2.3 一直到最大的 3 位数即 999. 解答过程 样例 给出 n = 1, 返回[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. 给出 n = 2, 返回[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,...,99]. 挑战 用递归完成,而非循环的方式. Java 实现 public class Solution { /** * @param n:…
一:基本类型 字符串 把字符串转换为数字,只要字符串中包含任意一个非有效数字字符(第一个点除外)结果都是NaN,空字符串会变为数字零 console.log(Number("12.5")); //12.5 console.log(Number("12.5px")); //NAN console.log(Number("12.5.5px"));//NAN console.log(Number("")); 布尔 console.l…
FROM: 1. View the Exhibit and ex…
试题 算法训练 Rotatable Number 资源限制 时间限制:1.0s 内存限制:256.0MB 问题描述 Bike是个十分喜欢数学的聪明孩子.他发明了"可旋转数",其灵感来自于142857. 正如你所见,142857是一个十分神奇的数,因为所有从它通过旋转得到的数都是它自己乘以1,2,3-,6(从1到数的长度).旋转一个数就是将它的最后一位数字放到最前面.比如说,通过旋转12345你能够得到这些数:12345,51234,45123,34512,23451.值得一提的是这里允…