PHP中实现MySQL嵌套事务的两种解决方案 一.问题起源 在MySQL的官方文档中有明确的说明不支持嵌套事务: Transactions cannot be nested. This is a consequence of the implicit commit performed for any current transaction when you issue a START TRANSACTION statement or one of its synonyms. 但是在我们开发一个复…
TODO:Laravel增加验证码1. 先聊聊验证码是什么,有什么作用?验证码(CAPTCHA)是"Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart"(全自动区分计算机和人类的图灵测试)的缩写,是一种区分用户是计算机还是人的公共全自动程序.可以防止:恶意破解密码.刷票.论坛灌水,有效防止某个黑客对某一个特定注册用户用特定程序暴力破解方式进行不断的登陆尝试,实际上用验证码是现在很多网站通行…
You might be missing the "prettier" Whoops error handler from Laravel 4. If so, here's how to bring it back. First, composer require filp/whoops:~1.0. Then open app/Exceptions/Handler.php, and in the render() method, add a Whoops handler in the…