本文转自: http://blog.csdn.net/zhongguoren666/article/details/7088798 比较懒....大家看图说话就行了.... 说句实在话…还是老外写的地道. 1. Open up XenCenter and establish a connection to your XenServer. Here is an example of a Virtual Machine that is a fresh install but does not hav…
右键Linux虚拟机,选择 Install XenServer Tools XenCenter 切换到 Console界面 执行如下命令安装: # mount /dev/xvdd /mnt # /mnt/Linux/install.sh 若虚拟机为自定义模板安装,执行下面命令: # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt # /mnt/Linux/install.sh…
  In this brief tutorial, we will be discussing how to install development tools in popular Linux distributions like Arch Linux, CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and openSUSE etc. These development tools includes all necessary applications, such…
在虚拟机VMWARE上安装debian9 安装vmwaretools时候遇到问题 询问我IFCONFIG安装在哪里? 新版的debian不知道是用户权限问题还是使用了其他网络配置工具 vmwaretools 无法找到ifconfg文件 经过搜索最后搞定 成功安装vmwaretools How-to Install VMware Tools on Debian Stretch 9 32/64bit Linux+GNU https://tutorialforlinux.com/2015/10/08/…
The original address Mware Tools is one of important components for virtual machine (VM) in order get excellent performance. It is a group of utilities that help to enhances the overall performance of the virtual machine’s guest operating system (OS)…
install build tools 25.0.2 and sync the project in android studio bundle.gradle,将buildToolsVersion修改为当前已安装的build tool,一定是要大于等于提示版本的.比如我的错误提示是缺少25.0.2版本的tool,我已安装了25.0.3版本,将其修改为25.0.3,rebuild project或重启as即可生效…
今天为客户的centos服务器安装安全狗时提示Need system command 'locate' to install safedog for linux.Installation aborted!这个应该是缺少了什么组件,查找了相关资料解决了问题,下面随ytkah一起来看看如何操作的吧 这个问题是缺少搜索命令组件,用下面命令进行安装 yum -y install mlocate 再运行安装安全狗,但还提示Need system command 'lspci' to install saf…
使用autotools工具用configure.make.make install编译安装linux工程的详细步骤 转载tmxkwzy 最后发布于2016-11-24 10:20:15 阅读数 3245  收藏   autotools是个系列工具,主要由autoconf.automake.perl语言环境和m4等组成,所包含的命令有5个: 下图是autotools使用的流程图: autotools的安装: apt-get install autoconf  automake  autotools…
1.首先启动CentOS 7,在VMware中点击上方"VM",点击"Install VMware Tools..."(如已安装则显示"Reinstall VMware Tools..."). 2.在命令行输入"ls /dev"查看. 3.输入"mkdir /mnt/cdrom"在/mnt目录下新建一个名为cdrom的文件夹. 4.输入"mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /m…
can't use yum: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp4s0 yum -y install lshw pciutils gdisk system-storage-manageryum -y install bash-completion zip unzip bzip2 tree tmpwatch pinfo man-pages;yum -y install nano vim-enhanced tmux screen;yum -y in…