--20170505 --塗聚文 Geovin Du CREATE DATABASE DuMailSystem GO USE DuMailSystem GO --1查詢表的及备注说明 SELECT Sysobjects.name AS TABLE_NAME, syscolumns.Id, syscolumns.name AS COLUMN_NAME, systypes.name AS DATA_TYPE, syscolumns.length as CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH…
A primary key is defined as a column or a group of column that their value are always be unique. Normally, NULL value will never be allowed in this column to be part of this column’s records. EXAMPLE : Let’s say we want to create a table name Users.…
=================================版权声明================================= 版权声明:原创文章 禁止转载  请通过右侧公告中的“联系邮箱(wlsandwho@foxmail.com)”联系我 勿用于学术性引用. 勿用于商业出版.商业印刷.商业引用以及其他商业用途. 本文不定期修正完善. 本文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/wlsandwho/p/5126708.html 耻辱墙:http://www.cnblo…
oreign key constraints (also known as referential constraints or referential integrity constraints) enable you to define required relationships between and within tables. For example, a typical foreign key constraint might state that every employee i…
What I would like to do is to display a single form that lets the user: Enter a document title (from Document model) Select one of their user_defined_code choices from a drop down list (populated by the UserDefinedCode model) Type in a unique_code (s…
在stackoverflow找到答案: DATABASES = { 'default': { ... 'OPTIONS': { "init_command": "SET foreign_key_checks = 0;", }, } } (According to the official doc) In previous versions of Django, fixtures with forward references (i.e. relations to r…
ntroduction to MySQL foreign key A foreign key is a field in a table that matches another field of another table. A foreign key places constraints on data in the related tables, which enables MySQL to maintain referential integrity. Let’s take a look…
ALTER TABLE `fd_rel_customer_doctor` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_fd_rel_customer_doctor_1` FOREIGN KEY (`CUSTOMER_USER_ID`) REFERENCES `fd_customer_user` (`CUSTOMER_USER_ID`), ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_fd_rel_customer_doctor_2` FOREIGN KEY (`DOCTOR_ID`) REFERENCES `…
外键: 查询:select object_name(a.parent_object_id) 'tables'  from sys.foreign_keys a  where a.referenced_object_id=object_id('B表') 格式(名称):FK_A表_B表 A表是主表,引用B表的id字段作为外键,删除B表时候,“无法截断表B,因为该表正由 FOREIGN KEY 约束引用.” 删除外键: alert table A表 drop constraint FK_A表_B表 清…