当加入@SpringBootApplication注解时,无法得到解析 错误提示:SpringBootApplication cannot be resolved to a type 错误原因是因为springboot的包冲突了所致. 需要删掉本地maven仓库 repository文件夹下的\org\springframework\boot 目录下的spring-boot-autoconfigure 文件夹, 然后在工程中maven -> update project…
今天做SpringBoot小例子,在请求controller层的时候出现如下问题. Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Wed Dec 14 16:35:25 CST 2016 There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404). No mes…
Spring Boot 2.0(一):[重磅]Spring Boot 2.0权威发布 Spring Boot 2.0(二):Spring Boot 2.0尝鲜-动态 Banner Spring Boot 2.0(三):Spring Boot 开源软件都有哪些? Spring Boot 2.0(四):使用 Docker 部署 Spring Boot Spring Boot 2.0(五):Docker Compose + Spring Boot + Nginx + Mysql 实践 Spring B…