原文链接:推荐系统中基于深度学习的混合协同过滤模型 近些年,深度学习在语音识别.图像处理.自然语言处理等领域都取得了很大的突破与成就.相对来说,深度学习在推荐系统领域的研究与应用还处于早期阶段. 携程在深度学习与推荐系统结合的领域也进行了相关的研究与应用,并在国际人工智能顶级会议AAAI 2017上发表了相应的研究成果<A Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Model with Deep Structure for Recommender Systems>,本文将分…
[论文标题]Sparse Probabilistic Matrix Factorization by Laplace Distribution for Collaborative Filtering (24th-IJCAI ) (Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015) ) [论文作者]Liping Jing, PengWa…
[论文标题]List-wise learning to rank with matrix factorization for collaborative filtering (RecSys '10 recsys.ACM ) [论文作者] Yue ShiDelft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Martha LarsonDelft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Alan Ha…