USACO06DEC Milk Patterns——Solution】的更多相关文章

题目描述 Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to the next, there are some regular patterns in th…
题目描述 Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to the next, there are some regular patterns in th…
题面 初见SA 用了一个常见的按$height$分组的操作:二分答案,然后按$height$分组,遇到一个$height$小于$mid$的就丢进下一组并更新答案,如果最多的那组不少于$k$个说明可行 #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; ; int uni[N],num[N],sec[N],bkt[N]; int SA[N],rnk[N],hgt[N]; i…
题目大意:求可重叠的相同子串数量至少是K的子串最长长度 洛谷传送门 依然是后缀数组+二分,先用后缀数组处理出height 每次二分出一个长度x,然后去验证,在排序的后缀串集合里,有没有连续数量多于K个串的长度>=x, 但据说有一种高端做法是把二分换成单调队列,能减少常数,可惜我并没有看懂...... 原题好像是哈希的骚操作,但网上的题解好像都是后缀数组...... 比上一道男人八题简单多了,我原来的错代码竟然卡过去了70分.. #include <cstdio> #include <…
题意 显然如果有一个子串出现过\(k\)次,那么它必定是一个至少长为k的后缀序的\(LCP\),求出所有相邻的长为\(k-1\)的\(height\)数组的最小值,在其中取最大值即可 code: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int maxn=20010; const int maxm=1000010; int n,m,num,ans; int a[maxn],sa[maxn],rk[maxn],oldrk[maxn],i…
洛谷题目链接:[USACO06DEC]牛奶模式Milk Patterns 题目描述 Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to the next,…
1717: [Usaco2006 Dec]Milk Patterns 产奶的模式 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 881  Solved: 480[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 农夫John发现他的奶牛产奶的质量一直在变动.经过细致的调查,他发现:虽然他不能预见明天产奶的质量,但连续的若干天的质量有很多重叠.我们称之为一个“模式”. John的牛奶按质量可以被赋予一个0到1000000之间的数…
1717: [Usaco2006 Dec]Milk Patterns 产奶的模式 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 1017  Solved: 561[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 农夫John发现他的奶牛产奶的质量一直在变动.经过细致的调查,他发现:虽然他不能预见明天产奶的质量,但连续的若干天的质量有很多重叠.我们称之为一个“模式”. John的牛奶按质量可以被赋予一个0到1000000之间的…
Milk Patterns   Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to the next, there are some…
Milk Patterns Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7586   Accepted: 3448 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation,…
后缀数组 o(︶︿︶)o 唉傻逼了一下,忘了把后缀数组的字典范围改回20001,直接21交了上去,白白RE了两发……sigh 既然要找出现了K次的子串嘛,那当然要用后缀数组了>_>(因为我太弱不会自动机&树) ok离散化后上后缀数组,求出height数组>_>然后用个……ST表= =?! O(n)地扫一遍所有的区间……看所有长度为k的里面最大的min(i,i+k-1)是多少(当然,k要减一,因为是K个子串的话对应的是K-1个串的LCP) 水题还RE了两发→_→真是难过 /*…
后缀数组+二分答案+离散化.(上次写的时候看数据小没离散化然后一直WA...写了lsj师兄的写法. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define REP(i,s,t) for(int i=s;i<=t;i++) #define dwn(i,s,t) for(int i=s;i>=t;i--…
Milk PatternsTime Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he c…
Milk Patterns Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7938   Accepted: 3598 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation,…
[Usaco2006 Dec]Milk Patterns Description 农夫John发现他的奶牛产奶的质量一直在变动.经过细致的调查,他发现:虽然他不能预见明天 产奶的质量,但连续的若干天的质量有很多重叠.我们称之为一个“模式”. John的牛奶按质量可以被赋予一个0到1000000之间的数.并且John记录了N(1<=N<=20000)天的 牛奶质量值.他想知道最长的出现了至少K(2<=K<=N)次的模式的长度. 比如1 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 中 2 3 2 3出…
                                                                    Milk Patterns Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 13072   Accepted: 5812 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk…
二分答案m, 后缀数组求出height数组后分组来判断. ------------------------------------------------------------ #include<bits/stdc++.h>   using namespace std;   const int maxn = 20009;   struct HASH { int id[maxn], N; HASH() { N = 0; } inline void work() { sort(id, id +…
Milk Patterns Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9274   Accepted: 4173 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation,…
1717: [Usaco2006 Dec]Milk Patterns 产奶的模式 Description 农夫John发现他的奶牛产奶的质量一直在变动.经过细致的调查,他发现:虽然他不能预见明天产奶的质量,但连续的若干天的质量有很多重叠.我们称之为一个"模式". John的牛奶按质量可以被赋予一个0到1000000之间的数.并且John记录了N(1<=N<=20000)天的牛奶质量值.他想知道最长的出现了至少K(2<=K<=N)次的模式的长度.比如1 2 3 2…
BZOJ_1717_[Usaco2006 Dec]Milk Patterns 产奶的模式_后缀数组 Description 农夫John发现他的奶牛产奶的质量一直在变动.经过细致的调查,他发现:虽然他不能预见明天产奶的质量,但连续的若干天的质量有很多重叠.我们称之为一个“模式”. John的牛奶按质量可以被赋予一个0到1000000之间的数.并且John记录了N(1<=N<=20000)天的牛奶质量值.他想知道最长的出现了至少K(2<=K<=N)次的模式的长度.比如1 2 3 2…
[BZOJ1717][Usaco2006 Dec]Milk Patterns Description 农夫John发现他的奶牛产奶的质量一直在变动.经过细致的调查,他发现:虽然他不能预见明天产奶的质量,但连续的若干天的质量有很多重叠.我们称之为一个“模式”. John的牛奶按质量可以被赋予一个0到1000000之间的数.并且John记录了N(1<=N<=20000)天的牛奶质量值.他想知道最长的出现了至少K(2<=K<=N)次的模式的长度.比如1 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 中 2…
题目题目: Milk Patterns Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 18880 Accepted: 8336 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day t…
[USACO06FEC]Milk Patterns 题目描述: Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to the next, there are…
Milk Patterns Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 16742   Accepted: 7390 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation,…
1717: [Usaco2006 Dec]Milk Patterns 产奶的模式 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 1469  Solved: 799[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 农夫John发现他的奶牛产奶的质量一直在变动.经过细致的调查,他发现:虽然他不能预见明天产奶的质量,但连续的若干天的质量有很多重叠.我们称之为一个“模式”. John的牛奶按质量可以被赋予一个0到1000000之间的…
题目链接: Milk Patterns Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 17157   Accepted: 7592 Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies f…
                                                    Milk Patterns 题意:求可重叠的至少重复出现k次的最长的字串长. 这题的做法和上一题差不多,也是先二分答案,然后将后缀分成若干组.不同的是,这里要判断的是有没有一个组的后缀个数不小于k.如果有,那么存在k个相同的子串满足条件,否则不存在.这个做法的时间复杂度为 O(nlogn). #include <map> #include <set> #include <q…
Milk Patterns 产奶的模式 bzoj-1717 Usaco-2006 Dec 题目大意:给定一个字符串,求最长的至少出现了$k$次的子串长度. 注释:$1\le n\le 2\cdot 10^4$,$2\le k\le n$. 想法:不难想到二分答案,现在我们考虑如何验证. 这里就是后缀数组的一个妙用了. 我们对原串建立后缀数组,观察$ht$数组. 考虑当前二分出来的$mid$.如果有至少连续$k$的$ht$值都不小于$mid$,那么$k$就是合法的. 故此我们直接扫$ht$数组看看…
Milk Patterns Case Time Limit: 2000MS Description Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to th…
Milk Patterns 题意 给出n个数字,以及一个k,求至少出现k次的最长子序列的长度 思路 和poj 1743思路差不多,二分长度,把后缀分成若干组,每组任意后缀公共前缀都>=当前二分的长度.统计是否有某个组后缀数量>=k,如果有当前长度就可以. 代码 // #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <string.h> #defin…