Yaoge’s maximum profit HDU - 5052】的更多相关文章

Yaoge’s maximum profit Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) 题目链接 http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5052 Problem Description Yaoge likes to eat chicken chops late at night. Yaoge has eaten too ma…
题目大意: 给出一棵树.每一个点有商店.每一个商店都有一个价格,Yaoge每次从x走到y都能够在一个倒卖商品,从中得取利益.当然,买一顶要在卖之前.可是没次走过一条路,这条路上的全部商品都会添加一个v. 输出每次的最大利益. 思路分析: 非常easy想到树链剖分,但是关键在于怎样维护这样一个变量.使得每次都要让买的再卖的前面. 维护变量 ltr 和 rtl .表示从左去右和从右去左. 剖分熟练的时候.推断x 和 y的深度,一步一步往上爬. 然后维护区间最大值和最小值.爬的时候更新答案. ...4…
意甲冠军: 特定n小点的树权. 以下n每一行给出了正确的一点点来表达一个销售点每只鸡价格的格 以下n-1行给出了树的侧 以下Q操作 Q行 u, v, val 从u走v,程中能够买一个鸡腿,然后到后面卖掉,输出max(0, 最大的收益) 然后给[u,v]路径上点点权+=val 思路: 树链剖分裸题.记录区间的最大最小值,→走的答案和←走的答案. 官方题解:点击打开链接 #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #inc…
典型的LCT操作,但是维护的是一个序列最左边减最右边的最小值,所以要维护左边减右边的最小值del[0]和一个右边减左边的最小值del[1](因为rev标记swap的时候对应的值也要交换).维护的时候del[0]可能是来自于左右儿子的del[0],也有可能是来自于左儿子的最小值减去右儿子及当前节点的值的最大值,还有就是当前节点减去右儿子的最大值,比赛的时候漏了当前节点减去右儿子的最大值因而WA了..- -0 #pragma warning(disable:4996) #include <iostr…
Yaoge’s maximum profit Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 982    Accepted Submission(s): 274 Problem Description Yaoge likes to eat chicken chops late at night. Yaoge has eaten too…
Yaoge's maximum profit Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 516    Accepted Submission(s): 150 Problem Description Yaoge likes to eat chicken chops late at night. Yaoge has eaten to…
咸鱼了好久...出来冒个泡_(:з」∠)_ 题目连接:1107G - Vasya and Maximum Profit 题目大意:给出\(n,a\)以及长度为\(n\)的数组\(c_i\)和长度为\(n\)的严格单调上升数组\(d_i\),求\(\max\limits_{1 \le l \le r \le n} (a\cdot(r-l+1)-\sum_{i=l}^{r}c_i-gap(l,r))\),其中\(gap(l, r) = \max\limits_{l \le i < r} (d_{i…
Maximum Profit You can obtain profits from foreign exchange margin transactions. For example, if you buy 1000 dollar at a rate of 100 yen per dollar, and sell them at a rate of 108 yen per dollar, you can obtain (108 - 100) × 1000 = 8000 yen. Write a…
Codeforces 1107G 线段树最大子段和 + 单调栈 G. Vasya and Maximum Profit Description: Vasya got really tired of these credits (from problem F) and now wants to earn the money himself! He decided to make a contest to gain a profit. Vasya has \(n\) problems to choo…