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Article ID: 939308 - View products that this article applies to. Expand all | Collapse all Symptoms You perform a system recovery in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 in which the configuration database is restored. Then, you try to modify or…
转: 以下是Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services架构中数据库列表. Configuration Database Tables(配置数据库表) Content Database Tables(内容数据库表) SharePoint Services 数据库表(Database Tables) The following is a list of database tables used in…
转: WSSv3 Technical Articles_Windows SharePoint Services 3.0编码开发工具和技巧(Part 1 of 2) 摘要:学习开发Windows SharePoint Services 3.0的技能,与传统ASP.NET开发的区别,需要的开发环境,用Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows SharePo…
转: 最终用户可以自定义的 Windows SharePoint Services 页(列表视图页.列表表单页和 Web 部件页)都是包含要显示的内容的内容页.当用户请求内容页时,它将与母版页合并以生成输出,此输出将母版页的布局与内容页的内容结合在一起. 所有内容页共享相同的页结构,即全局面包屑.网站标题区域.顶部导航.页标题区域和左侧导航栏.在 Windows S…
本文以图示的方式,向读者展示Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services V3.0的安装过程. 在以下图示的安装过程中,使用了下面所列出的软件: Windows Server 2003 SP1 SQL Server 2005 .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services V3.0 1.安装必需的Windows组件 在“添加或删除软件”中,打开“添加/删除Windows组件”: 先把DNS设置成本机.…
I have got solution for authentication to share point web service I have use fedAuth Cookie and rtfa Cookie to pass credential Fisrt I have load the login page in webview and to load login page of sharepoint When user done with login i will store tho…
No item exists at http://SERVER/SITE/mypage.aspx?ID=1. It may have been deleted or renamed by another user Email Print Source: Microsoft Support RAPID PUBLISHING RAPID PUBLISHING ARTICLES PROVIDE INFORMATION DIRECTLY FROM WITHIN THE MICROSOFT SUPPO…
Question  144 You are planning a feature upgrade for a SharePoint 2010 farm. The original feature with a version number of is activated in numerous scopes within the farm. You have designed a new version of the feature,, which has bee…
Question 147You have a Web application named WebApp1.You have a Feature receiver named FeatureReceiver1. FeatureReceiver1 stores a connection string in the web.config file of WebApp1.You need to ensure that when FeatureReceiver1 makes configuration c…
Question 142You have a Feature that contains an image named ImageV1.png.You plan to create a new version of the Feature.You need to ensure that when the Feature is upgraded, the image is renamed as ImageV2.png. You must achieve this goal by using the…