Project < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick has_many :categories_has_projects has_many :categories, through: :categories_has_projects end Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :categories_has_projects has_many :projects, through: :categories_has_projec…
A Model represents some object that your application manages. For example, one might define a Model for Users, Products, Cars, or any other real-world object that we want to model in the system. Models are registered via the model manager, and are us…
模型的实例相当于数据库中表的一条记录. 一般模型在\app\model下创建,而且必须遵守类的命名规则,也就是可以根据类名找到模型的定义文件. 所有模型类都要从或的子类派生. 一个典型的模型: Ext.define("FirstApp.model.Product", { extend: '', requires:[ 'Ext.tux.proxy.Format' ], config: { fields:[…
===================== Model field reference ===================== .. module:: django.db.models.fields :synopsis: Built-in field types. .. currentmodule:: django.db.models This document contains all the API references of :class:Field including the fie…
ExtJS uses "hasMany" association to support nested json. However the sencha docs lacks well organized documents to guide how to use it. The coder has to test a lot to make their model work. There is a post which pointed some extra "rules&qu…
Model定义的两种方式 第一种 Ext.define("User",{ extend:"", fields:[{ name:'username', type:'string' },{ name:'password', type:'string' }] }); 另外一种 Ext.regModel("User",{ fields:[{ name:'username', type:'auto' },{ name:'pass… demo class ModelAdmin(object): #.... def get_context(self): context = super(SimCardServicesAdmin, self).get_context() f = context.get('form',None) if f: card_id = f['card'].value() card_info_obj = SimCardInfo.objects.get(card=card_id) card_…
认认真真学Django,从现在开始. 学习资料来源于官方网站: 1-新建一个 from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) first_name 和 last_…
一.model深入 1.model的功能 1.1 创建数据库表 1.2 操作数据库表 1.3 数据库的增删改查操作 2.创建数据库表的单表操作 2.1 定义表对象 class xxx(models.MODEL) 2.2 定义字段 CharField EmailField TextField IntegerField AutoField BooleanField DateField DateTimeField GenericIPAddressField IntegerField(choices=)…
一.ModelForm的用法 ModelForm对用户提交的数据有验证功能,但比Form要简单的多 from django.forms import ModelForm # 导入ModelFormclass customerModelForm(ModelForm):     class Meta:         model=models.UserInfo         fields="__all__"         labels={             'name':'用户名…