CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "trigger_empl" before insert on extjsTest1.t_empl for each row begin if inserting then if :NEW."EID" is null then select SEQ_EMPL.nextval into :NEW."EID" from dual; end if; end if; end; 说明:trigger_em…
ORACLE: 1.查主键名称: select * from user_constraints where table_name = 'AAA' and constraint_type ='P'; 查主键对应的列: select * from user_cons_columns where table_name = 'AAA' and constraint_name = 'PK_AAA'; (PK_AAA 是主键名) 2.查索引名称: select * from user_indexes whe…
参考代码: /** * 获取主键字段 * @param $table * @param $database * @return mixed */ public function get_primary_key($table,$database){ $sql = "SELECT k.column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints t JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k USING (con…
Oracle 获取表的主键.外键以及唯一约束条件 Select a.Owner 主键拥有者, a.table_name 主键表, b.Column_Name 主键列, b.Constraint_Name 主键名 From user_Constraints a, user_Cons_Columns b Where a.Constraint_Type = 'P' --P-主键:R-外键:U-唯一约束 and a.Constraint_Name = b.Constraint_Name And a.Ow…
不带外键模式的 mysql 自增主键字段重排 1.备份表结构 create table table_bak like table_name; 2.备份表数据 insert into table_bak select * from table_name; 3.删除原来主键字段(如id) alter table table_name drop id; 4.添加主键,自增,放在第一位 alter table table_name add id int(11) primary key auto_incr…