计算三角形外接圆的函数: Three Point Circle If we want to build new silos, then we need to make more formal and useful plots of land. Our topographer only marks a few points on the map and thinks that is good enough. It doesn't give us the coordinates which all…
题目: Probably Dice Battle is full of randomnesses. You should observe randomness in a controlled setting to prepare for this inevitability. We'll start by rolling the dice. Typically, when using multiple dice, you simply roll them and sum up all the r…
Robot Sort All of the refined ingots should be sorted by size in each lot while passing by on a conveyor. Because the conveyor is already running, our robots needs to quickly swap neighboring ingots. You are given the size and initial order of the in…
一.继承 原则:大部分使用继承的场合都可以用组合取代或者简化,而多重继承则需要不惜一切的避免. 1. 什么是继承 继承:用于指明一个类的大部分或者全部功能都是从一个父类获得的.此时,父类的实例的所有动作可能都会工作在子类的实例上,这样可以把通用的功能放在父类里边,然后给子类设定一些特别的功能. 父类和子类的三种交互方式: ① 子类上的动作完全等同于父类上的动作 ② 子类上的动作完全覆盖了父类上的动作 ③ 子类上的动作部分替换了父类上的动作 2. 隐式继承 如果在父类中定义了一个函数,而在子类中没…