上篇文章中http://www.cnblogs.com/qidian10/p/3209439.html我们介绍了如何使用Grid的查询组建,而且将查询的参数传递到了后台. 那么我们后台如何介绍参数,并且转换为EntityFramework的条件呢? 首先我们获取Ext.ux.grid.feature.Searching的参数,上篇文章中我们很容易发现,查询传递到后台的是fields和query参数,其中fields是参加查询的列数组,query是关键字. 首先我们定义个类,接收参数 namesp…
人脸关键点定位.Face Alignment by Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching 算法源码详解(上) http://blog.csdn.net/shenxiaolu1984/article/details/50061955 人脸关键点定位.Face Alignment by Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching 算法源码详解(下) http://blog.csdn.net/shenxiaolu1984/article/details/500…
@http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/cvpr2015papers/ CVPR 2015 papers (in nicer format than this) maintained by @karpathy NEW: This year I also embedded the (1,2-gram) tfidf vectors of all papers with t-sne and placed them in an interf…
RFID读写器的工作原理 RFID的数据采集以读写器为主导,RFID读写器是一种通过无线通信,实现对标签识别和内存数据的读出和写入操作的装置. 读写器又称为阅读器或读头(Reader).查询器(Interrogator).读出装置(Reading Device). 扫描器(Scanner).通信器(Communicator).编程/编码器(Programmer)等等. 读写器工作原理 RFID读写器的基本原理是利用射频信号与空间耦合传输特性,使电子标签与阅读器的耦合元件在射频耦合通道内进行能量传…
引用了下文的资料,在此感谢! http://www.cnblogs.com/alexcai/p/5468164.html http://blog.csdn.net/garfielder007/article/details/51480844 第一.cifar数据集的知识 The CIFAR-10 dataset The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images pe…
post post Table of Contents 1. Post-processing 1.1. Reverse flow 1.1.1. reasons 1.1.2. solutions 1.2. variable definitions– ch34, field function definitions, user guide, fluent 1.3. Residuals 1.3.1. access to the residual values for each cell in my f…
About this Course This course will teach you the "magic" of getting deep learning to work well. Rather than the deep learning process being a black box, you will understand what drives performance, and be able to more systematically get good res…
From:  http://www.pamitc.org/cvpr15/program.php Official Program for CVPR 2015 Monday, June 8 8:30am-8:40am Ballrooms A,B,C Rooms 302,304,306 Opening Remarks from Conference Chairs The opening remarks will be made from Ballrooms A,B,C, but a live vid…
http://blog.csdn.net/myarrow/article/details/51933651 1. 目前进展 1.1 相关资料      1)HANDS CVPR 2016      2)HANDS 2015 Dataset      3)CVPR 2016      4)Hand 3D Pose Estimation (Computer Vision for Augmented Reality Lab)          5)CVPR2016 Tutorial: 3D Deep…
Iterative Closest Point (ICP) [1][2][3] is an algorithm employed to minimize the difference between two clouds of points. 点云匹配分类法(1) •全局匹配算法 Globe •局部匹配算法Local Salvi, J. (2007). "A review of recent range image registration methods with accuracy evalu…