[/WEB-INF/classes/hudson/model/Messages_zh_CN.properties] to the cache for web application [/jenkins] because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the cache 05-Jun-…
09-Dec-2016 10:57:49.150 WARNING [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/struts/PersonnelActio n.xml] to the cache because there was insufficient free space available…
tomcat重启后报以下错误: 09-Dec-2016 10:57:49.150 WARNING [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at [/WEB-INF/classes/struts/PersonnelActio n.xml] to the cache because there was insufficient free…
tomcat启动过程中提示: org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource at xxx to the cache because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries - consider increasing the maximum size of the ca…
最近在Tomcat8上导入原本Tomcat6的项目,报了以下错误:Tomcat 警告:consider increasing the maximum size of the cache. 这是因为tomcat8以上对resource采取了cache,而默认的大小是10M. 解决的办法很简单,就是在context.xml中调大缓存. 代码:<Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000" />…
虚拟机上搭建jenkins,出现unable to free [10] percent of the cache for Context [/jenkins] 提示让我加大缓存 consider increasing the maximum size of the cache. stackoverflow上的答案 In your $CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml add block below before </Context> <Resources cac…
jenkins启动时报错: consider increasing the maximum size of the cache. After eviction approximately [10,239] KB of data 缓存不足 解决办法: D:\tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.5.32\conf\context.xml    中加上一行 <Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000&q…
在tomcat里面部署jenkins,启动tomcat,在jenkins上操作不久之后,jenkins就挂掉了,查看tomcat控制台,报内存溢出信息: 解决该问题方法,修改tomcat/bin目录下的catalina.bat文件,增加JVM内存,如图:…
[LeetCode]334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence 解题报告(Python) 标签(空格分隔): LeetCode 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/increasing-triplet-subsequence/description/ 题目描述: Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or…
天,这题我已经没有底气高呼“水”了... 题目的地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/sliding-window-maximum/ 题目内容: Given an array nums, there is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see the k numbers in the…