代码运行一段时间后,会报下面的错误. [Predis\Connection\ConnectionException] Error while reading line from the server. [tcp://] 最初的怀疑是连接数过多,导致连接不上服务器,出现上述错误.查看进程,发现大量redis状态为TIME_WAIT的tcp连接. 首先考虑的是,减少TIME_WAIT的进程,保持随时可以连接到服务器.所以想到的减少TIME_WAIT状态的进程,将进程快速回…
问题 Laravel说明文档中的 Redis 发布与订阅案例,命令行运行php artisan redis:subscribe 到60s自动断开并报错 [Predis\Connection\ConnectionException] Error while reading line from the server. [tcp://] 解决 在config/database.php配置文件中,找到redis配置项,添加一行如下 'redis' => [ 'cluster'…
function script_faster_rcnn_demo() close all; clc; clear mex; clear is_valid_handle; % to clear init_key run(fullfile(fileparts(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))), 'startup')); %% -------------------- CONFIG -------------------- opts.caffe_version = '…
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-m64"cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-mno-red-zone"cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-mcmodel=kernel"cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-…
安装qt时在执行./configure时报错:error: unrecognized command line option '-fuse-ld=gold' 这个错误是qt的一个bug. 在装有gold linker的系统里,编译脚本会加入-fuse-ld=gold选项,但这个选项gcc是不支持的. 解决办法是移除该选项,找到文件src/3rdparty/webkit/Source/common.pri,屏蔽QMAKE_LFLAGS+=-fuse-ld=gold. 将# QMAKE_LFLAGS…
cmd.exe /D /C call C:/Ruby23-x64/bin/scss.bat --no-cache --update header.scss:header.css error header.scss (Line 2: Invalid GBK character "\xE5") Process finished with exit code 1 解决办法很简单: 在sass文件开头添加    @charset "utf-8";     就可以解决问题 @…
环境: centos6.5 32位 oracle jdk 1.8 tomcat 7 问题: yum install tomcat后,返回如下错误: [root@centos]~# curl -v http://localhost:8080 * About to connect() to localhost port (#) * Trying connected * Connected to localhost ( (#) > GET / HTTP/1.1 > User…
在Windows环境下的控制台上,通过qmake指令编译Qt程序时,出现 cc1plus.exe: error: unrecognized command line option "-fno-keep-inline-dllexport "问题,百思不得骑姐,最后通过指令gcc -v查看版本号发现,gcc 版本太低 gcc version 4.4.0 (GCC),修改环境变量中的MingW目录,更新gcc版本号,gcc version 4.8.2 (i686-posix-dwarf-re…
When compile program using Visual Studio 2015, Matlab 2016b, and OpenCV 3.1.0, one might get the error as follow: Undefined function or variable ‘setInitialWorkingFolder’. Error in matlabrc (line 197) Could not initialize the library properly This er…
1. 详细错误信息 [ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/fstools.dir/libfstools/overlay.c.o/home/jello/openwrt/build_dir/target-aarch64_generic_glibc/fstools-2018-01-02-11efbf3b/libfstools/overlay.c: In function 'jffs2_switch':/home/jello/openwrt/build_dir/targ…