A case about suspicious malware App. A forensic examiner capatured some pcap files and he'd to know where the desitnation is. Let me show you how to solve it with wireshark. First you have to download GeoIP database files. Extract those archive files…
Python 1.1 基础 while语句 字符串边缘填充 列出文件夹中的指定文件类型 All Combinations For A List Of Objects Apply Operations Over Items In A List Applying Functions To List Items Arithmetic Basics Assignment Operators Basic Operations With NumPy Array Breaking Up String Vari…
实然看到下载速度多达几M/s,但实际上并没有什么占用带宽的进程. 相查看每个程序占用的网络流量, 但系统自带的 System Monitor 只能查看全局的流量, 不能具体看某个程序的...... key words: network traffic, process specific, nethogs 工具: nethogs (要用sudo运行) Description : NetHogs is a small "net top" tool. /* 像top 一样的工具, 实时更新…
Network Traffic Detail /proc/net/dev 1. Network Traffic by Packets type: GraphUnit: packets/secLabel: Packets out (-) / in (+){{device}} - Receive 各个接口每秒接收的数据包总数 metrics: irate(node_network_receive_packets_total{instance=~"$node:$port",job=~&quo…
Analyzing Network Traffic Data 1.This lesson teaches you to Analyze App Network Traffic Analyze Network Traffic Types In the previous section, you tagged your app code with traffic identifiers, ran tests, and collected data. This lesson teaches you h…
Collecting Network Traffic Data 1.This lesson teaches you to Tag Network Requests 标记网络类型 Configure a Network Test Build Type 在as中配置测试模式才能测试网络 Deploy the Network Test APK 在真机上部属网络调试应用 Run Network Traffic Tool NetWork Traffic 工具 The network traffic gen…
网卡配置 ftp测试…
src:https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/qa/qa1176/_index.html Technical Q&A QA1176 Getting a Packet Trace Q:  I'm trying to debug a network problem. How do I get a packet trace? A: This depends on your platform: There are a number of programs for…
The invention provides methods, apparatus and systems for detecting distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks within the Internet by sampling packets at a point or points in Internet backbone connections to determine a packet metric parameter. The…
There are lots of free tools available online to get easy access to the WiFi networks intended to help the network admins and the programmers working on the WiFi systems and we at Team Techworm have picked the top 10 of those for ethical hackers, pro…
Introduction The VMM documentation indicates that “A logical network is used to organize and simplify network assignments for hosts, virtual machines and services. As part of logical network creation, you can create network sites to define the VLANs,…
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc756878(v=ws.10).aspx In this section Network Load Balancing Terms and Definitions Network Load Balancing Architecture Network Load Balancing Protocols Application Compatibility with Network Load Balancing…
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb742455.aspx Abstract Network Load Balancing, a clustering technology included in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Datacenter Server operating systems, enhances the scalability and availabilit…
−Table of Contents Journey to the Center of the Linux Kernel: Traffic Control, Shaping and QoS 1 Introduction 2 Motivation 3 The basics of Traffic Control 3.1 First contact 3.2 Netfilter MARK 3.3 Two classes in a tree 3.4 Connecting the marks to the…
Netmon is a light-weight network monitor that works on Windows operating systems. It provides different types of statistics for each process. Currently, Netmon supports two languages: English Simplified Chinese Four views are provided by Netmon to il…
流量发生器 (Traffic Generator) 是用来检测网络性能,进行网络相关研究的一个很重要的工具.大家可能用过Iperf或者IxChariot,前者是类UNIX环境下的一个免费.开源的网络性能测试工具,主要用来测试链路速率:后者则是一个非常专业的商业工具,拥有非常友好的图形界面. 作为网络工程师和研究人员,有时我们可能会需要一些具有特定功能的流量发生器,但是目前网络上可以找到的相关工具非常之多,各个软件的使用方式有怎样的不同,到底哪个才是符合自己的要求的呢?这里,我们对目前网络上能够找…
Lab 5 Network File Sharing Services Goal: Share file or printer resources with FTP, NFS and Samba Sequence 1: Implementing File Transport Protocol(FTP) Services Deliverable: A working FTP server accessible to hosts and users. An available, but "invis…
Source:https://nabla-c0d3.github.io/blog/2013/08/20/intercepting-the-app-stores-traffic-on-ios/ TL;DR: By default, MobileSubstrate tweaks do not get injected into system daemons on iOS which explains why my SSL Kill Switch tool wasn't able to disable…
Firewall and network filtering in libvirt There are three pieces of libvirt functionality which do network filtering of some type. At a high level they are: The virtual network driver This provides a isolated bridge device (ie no physical NICs enslav…
网络安全问题的背景 网络安全研究的内容包括很多方面,作者形象比喻为盲人摸象,不同领域的网络安全专家对网络安全的认识是不同的. For researchers in the field of cryptography, security is all about cryptographic algorithms and hash functions. Those who are in information security focus mainly on privacy, watermarkin…
发表时间:2016 一些定义: self-configuring networks: FlowVisor: FlowVisor是建立在OpenFlow之上的网络虚拟化工具,它可以将物理网络划分成多个逻辑网络,从而实现虚网划分. 数据中心: 百度百科定义:数据中心是全球协作的特定设备网络,用来在internet网络基础设施上传递.加速.展示.计算.存储数据信息. 维基百科:给出的定义是"数据中心是一整套复杂的设施.它不仅仅包括计算机系统和其它与之配套的设备(例如通信和存储系统),还包含冗余的数据通…
思科ETA主页 https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/enterprise-networks/enterprise-network-security/eta.html ETA有关开源项目: https://github.com/cisco/joy/tree/master/src ETA数据分析思路: Understanding Network Traffic Through Intraflow Data https://resources.sei.cmu…
netstat (network statistics) is a command line tool for monitoring network connections both incoming and outgoing as well as viewing routing tables, interface statistics etc. netstat is available on all Unix-like Operating Systems and also available…
Question: Recently I have to use the RHEL and need to config the network with a few NICs. Here comes the question: What's the network bonding and How to bond? So I write this post. What's network bonding?       Network bonding is a method of combinin…
Network monitoring on Linux This post mentions some linux command line tools that can be used to monitor the network usage. These tools monitor the traffic flowing through network interfaces and measure the speed at which data is currently being tran…
http://whatismyipaddress.com/nat What is Network Address Translation? Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process where a network device, usually a firewall, assigns a public address to a computer (or group of computers) inside a private network…
转载自: http://blog.csdn.net/kesenhoo/article/details/7391031 Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network Access [用有效的网络访问来最优化下载] 也许使用无线电波(wireless radio)进行传输数据会是我们app最耗电的操作之一.所以为了最小化网络连接的电量消耗,懂得连接模式(connectivity model)会如何影响底层的音频硬件设备是至关重要的. 这节课介绍了无线电波状态机…
到今年6月,我国的手机网民已经达到了3.88亿,超过了电脑终端.相信有智能机的同学都用过手机上网冲浪.但是手机的电量很快被用光了恐怕是每个人都不能忍受的一件事情.而打开数据连接进行网络数据的传输是很耗费电量的,如果用户发现你的应用榨干了他电池里的电,恐怕他会第一时间将你的应用给卸载掉.所以进行网络应用的开发理解怎样才能更省电就很有必要了.                   如果数据连接一直保持着激活的状态,那么它的耗电量是很惊人的,所以手机会在网络空闲的情况下自动休眠数据连接来达到省电的目的.…
Optimizing General Network Use This lesson teaches you to Compress Data Cache Files Locally Optimize Pre-Fetch Cache Size In general, reducing the amount of network traffic helps reduce battery drain. In addition to the battery-optimization technique…
Optimizing Server-Initiated Network Use This lesson teaches you to Send Server Updates with GCM Network traffic sent by server programs to your app can be challenging to optimize. A solution to this problem is for your appp to periodically poll the s…