UPDATE: This post has been expanded upon and converted into an eBook. Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your data. Breaking this contract will result in many angry emails, and a slew of sad users…
http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/restful-api-design-with-nodejs-restify--cms-22637 The RESTful API consists of two main concepts: Resource, and Representation. Resource can be any object associated with data, or identified with a URI (more than one…
RESTful API Design: 13 Best Practices to Make Your Users Happy First step to the RESTful way: make sure errors don't come back as 200 OK. Architect at work. Daniel McCullough, unsplash.com Web services have been around for as long as the HTTP protoco…
说在前面,这篇文章是无意中发现的,因为感觉写的很好,所以翻译了一下.由于英文水平有限,难免有出错的地方,请看官理解一下.翻译和校正文章花了我大约2周的业余时间,如有人愿意转载请注明出处,谢谢^_^ Principles of good RESTful API Design 好RESTful API的设计原则 Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your da…
好RESTful API的设计原则 说在前面,这篇文章是无意中发现的,因为感觉写的很好,所以翻译了一下.由于英文水平有限,难免有出错的地方,请看官理解一下.翻译和校正文章花了我大约2周的业余时间,如有人愿意转载请注明出处,谢谢^_^ Principles of good RESTful API Design 好RESTful API的设计原则 Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those…
转载自一位大佬 英文原版 Principles of good RESTful API Design Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your data. Breaking this contract will result in many angry emails, and a slew of sad users with mobile apps wh…
Web APIs has become an very important topic in the last year. We at M-Way Solutions are working every day with different backend systems and therefore we know about the importance of a clean API design. Typically we use a RESTful design for our web A…
相关文章:RESTful API URI 设计的一些总结. 问题场景:删除一个资源(Resources),URI 该如何设计? 应用示例:删除名称为 iPhone 6 的产品. 是不是感觉很简单呢?根据应用示例,我们用代码实现下: public class ProductsController : ApiController { [HttpDelete] [Route("api/products")] public async Task<HttpResponseMessage&g…
相关的一篇文章:RESTful API URI 设计的一些总结. 问题场景:判断一个资源(Resources)是否存在,URI 该如何设计? 应用示例:判断 id 为 1 用户下,名称为 windows 10 的产品是否存在? 如果这个问题出现在 MVC 项目中,我想我们一般会这样设计: public class ProductService { public async Task<bool> IsExist(int userId, string productName) { .... } }…
原文转自:https://bourgeois.me/rest/ REST APIs are a very common topic nowaday; they are part of almost every web application. A simple, consistent and pragmatic interface is a mandatory thing; it will be much easier for others to use your API. Even if th…
ASP.NET Core Web API 开发-RESTful API实现 REST 介绍: 符合REST设计风格的Web API称为RESTful API. 具象状态传输(英文:Representational State Transfer,简称REST)是Roy Thomas Fielding博士于2000年在他的博士论文 "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures" 中提…
http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/how-to-design-a-good-restful-api/ REST架构风格最初由Roy T. Fielding(HTTP/1.1协议专家组负责人)在其2000年的博士学位论文中提出.HTTP就是该架构风格的一个典型应用.从其诞生之日开始,它就因其可扩展性和简单性受到越来越多的架构师和开发者们的青睐.它必将得到更大的发展.一方面,随着云计算和移动计算的兴起,许多企业愿意在互联网上共享自己的数据.功能:另一方面,在企业中,R…
Note GET, primarily used to select resources. Other options for an API method include: POST, primarily used to create child resources. PUT, primarily used to update existing resources (and, although not recommended, can be used to create child resour…
RESTful API实现 ASP.NET Core Web API 开发-RESTful API实现 REST 介绍: 符合REST设计风格的Web API称为RESTful API. 具象状态传输(英文:Representational State Transfer,简称REST)是Roy Thomas Fielding博士于2000年在他的博士论文 "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architec…
RESTful API 架构解读 首先我们还是先介绍下 RESTful api 的来龙去脉. 首先, RESTful (下文都简称 RESTful api 为 RESTful ) 1.RESTful 这个概念最早是在 2000年 Roy Thomas Fielding 博士在他的博士论文<Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures> 中提出了几种软件应用的架构风格,REST作为其中的一种…
With the rise of mobile development and JavaScript frameworks, using a RESTful API is the best option to build a single interface between your data and your client. Laravel is a PHP framework developed with PHP developer productivity in mind. Written…
1. REST名称由来 REST全称为Representational State Transfer,即表述性状态转移,最早由Roy Feilding博士在世纪之交(2000年)提出,喜欢追根溯源的朋友可以读一下他的博士论文<Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures>,这时距HTTP1.1协议标准正式发布(1999年6月)仅一年的时间. 岁月的痕迹跨越了十多年,技术的进步日新月异,所有…