Multicast Routing】的更多相关文章

Multicasting Source S sends packets to multicast group G1 (and minimize the number of copies) Reverse-Path Broadcasting (RPB) Reverse-Path Broadcasting(反向路径广播) Fact: Set of shortest paths to the source node S forms a shortest path tree that spans the… Download source Contents Features Introduction Concept and Design Usage and Test Implementation Conclusion Features Manageable Routing Service Mapping physical to logical endpoints Man… IP多播有两种模式,密集模式和稀疏模式: Dense Mode Sparse Mode 密集模式下,每个路由器收到多播包之后,发往除接收接口之外的所有其它接口,类似,洪泛. 稀疏模式,待补充... 密集模式下,很容易产生路由环路,通过采用返向路径转发RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding),来实现路由环路的避免,流程如下: Above we have R1 which…
前文我们了解了组播地址相关话题,回顾请参考今天我们来聊一聊组播协议中IGMP协议相关话题: 组播技术架构 提示:组播通信中,发送者将组播数据发送到特定的组播地址.要使组播报文最终能够到达接收者,需要某种机制使与连接潜在的接受者网段的组播路由器能够了解到该网段内有哪些组播接收者,保证接收者可以加入到相应的组播组中接受数据:从上面的组播基础架构中我们可以看到,组播通信主要分三个阶段,第一阶段是组播…
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