NS Simulation: Scheduling Events Simulation time A similation system (such as NS) must have a built-in simulation clock - it represents the "clock" in the real world. You can examine (read) the value of the simulation clock by using the now comm…
这个网站上的一系列讲解NS2的内容真的是深入浅出,看完立刻豁然开朗.所以就接连转了几篇. Scheduling Events那篇里的例子特别好,看完就懂了. http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cheung/Courses/558-old/Syllabus/90-NS/ NS Simulation Basic Common NS classes The following figure shows the most commonly used NS classes in w…
Studying TCP's Throughput and Goodput using NS What is Throughput Throughput is the amount of data received by the destination. The Average Throughput is the throughput per unit of time Example: Suppose a TCP receiver receives 60 M Bytes of data in 1…
Studying TCP's Congestion Window using NS How to obtain TCP's CWND value The most important value that determine the behavior of TCP is the congestion window size or traditionally abreviated as CWND In NS, every TCP-type class (Agent/TCP/Tahoe, (Agen…
FROM: http://www.tecmint.com/18-tar-command-examples-in-linux/ 18 Tar Command Examples in Linux By Ravi Saive Under: CentOS, Fedora, Linux Commands, Linux Distros, RedHat On: September 15, 2012 The Linux “tar” stands for tape archive, which is used b…
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http://www.runoob.com/w3cnote/zepto-js-source-analysis.html Zepto是一个轻量级的针对现代高级浏览器的JavaScript库, 它与jquery有着类似的api. 如果你会用jquery,那么你也会用zepto. Zepto 中文手册:http://www.w3cschool.cc/manual/zeptojs.html /* Zepto v1.0-1-ga3cab6c - polyfill zepto detect event aj…
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Learn X in Y minutes Where X=clojure Get the code: learnclojure.clj Clojure is a Lisp family language developed for the Java Virtual Machine. It hasa much stronger emphasis on purefunctional programming thanCommon Lisp, but includes severalSTM utilit…