css best practice for big team and project】的更多相关文章

推荐查看以下文章: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000000704006 关于BEM,SMACSS,OOCSS的通俗易懂的介绍 http://philipwalton.com/articles/css-architecture/ http://ux.mailchimp.com/patterns 对于很多web开发人员来说,掌握了css意味着你可以做出很漂亮的mockup并且将这个mockup用代码完美地表现出来.你不再使用table布局,你尽可能少的使用imag…
Project Management ProcessDescription .......................................................................................................................................................................................1STAGE/STEP/TASK SUMMARY LIST…
This post will cover the basic setup and creation of an application with web content for iPhone that will load local CSS files and some useful JavaScript functions. Most of these hints I found partially in different blogs and forums listed in the ref…
One of the challenges of explaining project management to people who are unfamiliar with the approach, is that descriptions are often either so high-level as to be meaningless, or so detailed that they are overwhelming. Over the years, I have come to…
1. HTML 1: <!doctype html> 2: <!-- This is a test html for html, css, javascript --> 3: <!-- It will use all html label --> 4: <!-- 大的方向还是想逻辑结构, 逐步细化 --> 5: <html> 6: <head> 7: <link rel="stylesheet" type=&…
问题: 当我们版本更新的时候,我们都要清理缓存的js跟css,如何使得在网页中不需要手动清理呢? 答案: 生成带有哈希后缀的js跟css文件 1.文件路径 路径中的conf.js 是用于放置全局打包的公共方法的. conf.team.json 则是用于放置 team 这个项目的打包路径 . gulpfile.team.js 用于写 team 这个项目的打包. 打包前的文件放在build中.打包后的文件放在dist中 总的打包任务在webapp 根目录下 为什么要这样放置目录,请看 gulp分流…
1. Css We’ll use LESS CSS, all less sources are defined in the app/assets, and they will be compiled to standard css by the build process. Below are steps to use the less css. a.   add sbt-less plugin to your project’s plugins.sbt addSbtPlugin("com.t…
前端学习日记之HTML.CSS 简单总结 标签(空格分隔): html css 前端学习日记 html超文本标记语言 一. h标题标签 h1-h7 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="keywords" content="11"> <meta name="description&…
本文转自:https://loiane.com/2017/08/how-to-add-bootstrap-to-an-angular-cli-project/ In this article we will learn how to setup an Angular project with Bootstrap 3 or Bootstrap 4. Update May 2018: code updated to Angular v6. Stackblitz link also available…
缘由:由于manager的错误设置,导致本不该public的项目设置成public 诉求:去除项目新建及设置时的public勾选 1.查找日志 由于redmine是拿ruby编写的,且主页等都是由html.erb生成的,查找源码比较麻烦,该选项为"Public",对应源码里有很多混淆项.基于此,考虑去看一下log. 查看日志并保持窗口:tail -f -n 100 production.log 我们将某个无关紧要的项目设置成public并立即设置成non-public.观察上述日志的变…