JDK1.4.2的安装 Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] yes Unpacking... tail: cannot open `+511' for reading: No such file or directory Checksumming... 1 The download file appears to be corrupted. Please refer to the Trouble…
Linux安装ElasticSearch后,ElasticSearch是不能用root用户启动的,以root用户启动会报错Refer to the log for complete error details,出现这种情况该如何解决呢?下面小编就为大家带来Linux安装ElasticSearch启动报错的解决方法,一起去看看吧 今天就出现的异常问题专门解决一下.你安装好ElasticSearch以后,在启动的时候需要注意的问题是,ElasticSearch是不能用root用户启动的(这是根据…
dotfuscator 在混淆.Net Framework 4.0以上版本的时候报错的解决方法 在混淆的时候报错了,错误描述大致如下: Could not find a compatible version of ildasm to run on assembly C:\xxx.dll This assembly was originally built with .NET Framework v4.0.30319 要混淆不同的.Net Framework版本需要在Settings,Projec…