
枚举$a_{i}$并判断是否可行,有以下结论:若$a_{i}$可以留下来,一定存在一种合法方案使得$a_{i}$仅参与最后若干次合并,且第一次参与合并前左右都不超过2个数 证明:将大于$a_{i}$的看成1,小于$a_{i}$的看成0,将合并分为两类: 1.都在左/右区间,那么相当于删除了最右/左边的$01/10$,若存在3个数,可以将倒数第3个数与$01/10$合并去删除 2.左右区间各有1个,当达到3个后,不管是$000$和$111$还是$010$和$101$都可以预先合并再与$a_{i}$…
NOTE Nulling out object references should be the exception rather than the norm. Another common source of memory leaks is caches. Once you put an object reference into a cache, it's easy to forget that it's there and leave it in the cache long after…
Note Eliminate every unchecked warning that you can. Set<Lark> exaltation = new HashSet(); The compiler will gently remind you what you did wrong: Venery.java:4: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion found : HashSet, required: Set<Lark> Se…
Eliminate the Conflict Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1315    Accepted Submission(s): 563 Problem Description Conflicts are everywhere in the world, from the young to the elder…
HDU 4041 Eliminate Witches! (模拟题 ACM ICPC 2011 亚洲北京赛区网络赛题目) Eliminate Witches! Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 863    Accepted Submission(s): 342 Problem Description Kaname Mado…
Eliminate the Conflict Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1114 Accepted Submission(s): 468 Problem Description Conflicts are everywhere in the world, from the young to the elderly, fr…
Once you eliminate all the other factors,the only thing remaining must be the truth. 一旦你排除了杂因,剩下的一定是真相.--<神探夏洛克>…
Problem Description Conflicts are everywhere in the world, from the young to the elderly, from families to countries. Conflicts cause quarrels, fights or even wars. How wonderful the world will be if all conflicts can be eliminated.Edward contributes…
Docker实践 - 懒人的技术笔记 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET  http://blog.csdn.net/lincyang/article/details/43055061 Docker直译为码头工人.当它成为一种技术时,做的也是码头工人的事.官网是这样描述它的:“Docker是一个开发的平台,用来为开发者和系统管理员构建.发布和运行分布式应用.”也就是说,如果把你的应用比喻为货物,那么码头工人(Docker)就会迅速的用集装箱将它们装上船.快速.简单而有效率. Docker ove…
HDU 4115 Eliminate the Conflict pid=4115">题目链接 题意:Alice和Bob这对狗男女在玩剪刀石头布.已知Bob每轮要出什么,然后Bob给Alice一些限制,1表示i轮和j轮Alice必须出不一样的,0表示必须出一样的.假设Alice有一局输了就算输了,否则就是赢,问Alice能否赢 思路:2-sat问题,已经Bob出什么,Alice要么就出赢的要么就出平的,然后加上m个约束就是2-sat问题了 代码: #include <cstdio>…