Hi Everyone, We came across the following error while performing some preventative maintenance checks on our Dell servers particularly R620 though this also relates to the R720 as well. RAC0218: The maximum number of user sessions is reached. There i…
真机调试免费App ID出现的问题The maximum number of apps for free development profiles has been reached.免费应用程序调试最大限度苹果免费App ID只能运行2个应用程序,当调试第三个的时候就会报这个错误,必须把之前的应用程序删除,才能调试新的 解决办法:1.连接iPhone 打开Xcode->Window->Devices     2.接着出现这个界面   3.删除其中一个,不是本次运行的应用程序 4.接着会弹框  …
The maximum number of apps for free development profiles has been reached. 源引:http://www.jianshu.com/p/99c441070b22…
最近在一个asp.net core web项目中使用TDD的方式开发,结果单元测试超过128个之后,在CI中报错了:"The configured user limit (128) on the number of inotify instances has been reached." 在本地却是正常的,如此诡异的事,必定要搞清楚. 于是,从报错信息着手,一番Google无果之后,不得不冷静思考,报错的原因在哪里?通过异常信息定位到了是因为在测试中,每个测试都要开启一个TestSer…
真机调试免费App ID出现的问题The maximum number of apps for free development profiles has been reached.免费应用程序调试最大限度苹果免费App ID只能运行2个应用程序,当调试第三个的时候就会报这个错误,必须把之前的应用程序删除,才能调试新的 1.出现问题 免费ID最多能装2个应用程序,当出现第三个的时候就会报这个错误 2.解决问题  连接iPhone 打开Xcode->Window->Devices 打开Xcode…
原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 .作者信息和本声明.否则将追究法律责任.http://ovcer.blog.51cto.com/1145188/1581326 [root@openfire-x86v-app01 ~]# tsung  -f jabber_register.xml startStarting Tsung"Log directory is: /root/.tsung/log/20141122-0639""Maximum number…
[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/security/limits.conf # /etc/security/limits.conf # #Each line describes a limit for a user in the form: # #<domain> <type> <item> <value> # #Where: #<domain> can be: # - a user name # - a group nam…
错误的意思是:已达到可容忍的服务器重连接错误的最大数目.有两个解决思路:一个将这个值设置的更大:然后是排查自己连接服务哪儿出了问题.先说在哪儿设置这个值:在拉取nacos服务的注解配置中,添加一个属性maxRetry,这个值源码中默认给的是3,可以将其设置的更大一些. @Configuration @EnableNacosConfig(globalProperties = @NacosProperties(serverAddr = "", namespace…
How do I increase the maximum number of open files under CentOS Linux? How do I open more file descriptors under Linux? The ulimit command provides control over the resources available to the shell and/or to processes started by it, on systems that a…
Question: Input is a NxN matrix which contains only 0′s and 1′s. The condition is no 1 will occur in a row after 0. Find the index of the row which contains maximum number of zeros. Example: lets say 5×5 matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0…