转自:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-4716-46173.html 对于幂率分布的估计问题是个很复杂的问题(..., the empirical detection and characterization of power laws is made difficult by the large fluctuations that occur in the tail of the distribution. In particular, standard meth…
系统是设计该系统的组织结构的映射. Conway's law 最初是Conway在1967年发表的论文<How Do Committees Invent?>,然后 Fred Brooks 在<人月神话>(The Mythical Man-Month)这本书中引用了这篇论文的结论,并命名为康威定律(Conway's law). 观点 康威定律的结论 Organizations which design systems (in the broad sense used here) ar…