From the perspective of analytical geometry, an interval is composed of infinitely many points, while after the length of an interval was defined, it is intuitively to believe its length is the sum of the length of all points within it, then it becom…
面试题: 在 i 节点表中的磁盘地址表中,若一个文件的长度是从磁盘地址表的第 1 块到第 11块,则该文件共占有 B 块号.A 256 B 266 C 11 D 256×10 linux文件系统是Linux系统的心脏部分,提供了层次结构的目录和文件.文件系统将磁盘空间划分为每1024个字节一组,称为块(也有用512字节为一块的,如:SCOXENIX).编号从0到整个磁盘的最大块数. 全部块可划分为四个部分,块0称为引导块,文件系统不用该块;块1称为专用块,专用块含有许多信息,其中有磁盘大小和全…
Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters ' ', return the length of last word in the string. If the last word does not exist, return 0. Note: A word is defined as a character sequence consists of non-space cha…