Potential Pythonic Pitfalls】的更多相关文章

Potential Pythonic Pitfalls Monday, 11 May 2015 Table of Contents Not Knowing the Python Version Obsessing Over One-Liners Initializing a set the Wrong Way Misunderstanding the GIL Using Old Style Classes Iterating the Wrong Way Using Mutable Default…
Problem Reason Reference Moving ZeroesSort Colors Corner cases   Shortest Word Distance Thought: 2 ptr chasing   Merge 2 sorted ListsRemove Linked List Elem Corner cases   Power of Four Thought: fun bit ops   Pow(x, n) int overflow   Rectangle Area T…
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPA SPA(单页面应用):A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or web site that fits on a single web page with the goal of providing a user experience similar t…
好多同学跑来问,用spss的时候使用多重插补的数据集,怎么选怎么用?是不是简单的选一个做分析?今天写写这个问题. 什么时候用多重插补 首先回顾下三种缺失机制或者叫缺失类型: 上面的内容之前写过,这儿就不给大家翻译了,完全随机缺失,缺失量较小的情况下你直接扔掉或者任你怎么插补都可以,影响不大的.随机缺失可以用多重插补很好地处理:非随机缺失,任何方法都没得救的,主分析做完之后自觉做敏感性分析才是正道:这个我好像在之前的文章中给大家解释过原因. When it is plausible that da…
These days a lot of websites allow users to upload files, but many don’t know about the unknown pitfalls of letting users (potential attackers) upload files, even valid files. What’s a valid file? Usually, a restriction would be on two parameters: Th…
Tasks: invest papers  3 篇. 研究主动权在我手里.  I have to.  1. the benefit of complex network: complex network theory has been particularly successful in providing unifying统一的 concepts and methods for understanding the structure and dynamics of complex system…
Pythonic其实是个模糊的含义,没有确定的解释.网上也没有过多关于Pythonic的说明,我个人的理解是更加Python,更符合Python的行为习惯.本文主要是说明一些Python的惯用法和小技巧,其实与上一篇<编码规范>有异曲同工之妙,都是为了增加代码可读性,但Pythonic可能还会从性能的角度进行考虑. 首先是两个不得不说的Python的特性List Comprehension和Generator Expression,非常精简的语法,很大程度上取代了冗长for循环. 1. 列表解…
ui的设计,控件id的记录是一件比较繁琐的事情. 此外,赋值和读取数据也比较繁琐,非常不pythonic. 有没有神马办法优雅一点呢?life is short. 鉴于控件有name属性,通过dir(Entry_obj)得知,存放在一个_name的属性里面.于是就有了以下代码: Entry(frame,name='your_id1').grid(row=x1,column=y1) Entry(frame,name='your_id2').grid(row=x2,column=y2) ... En…
原文地址:http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/watch-out-for-these-10-common-pitfalls-of-experienced-java-developers-architects/ Can we start by asking a serious question? How easy is it to find advice for novice Java programmers on the web? Whenever I loo…
注意:dct代表字典,key代表键值 1.判断字典中某个键是否存在 实现 dct.has_key(key) #False 更Pythonic方法 key in dct #False 2.获取字典中的值 你想对key的value加1,首先你要判断key是否存在,不存在给一个默认值 实现 if key not in dct: dct[key] = 0 dct[key] += 1 更Pythonic方法 dct[key] = dct.get(key, 0) + 1 如果key存在则返回对应的value…