How to Use Dtrace Tracing Ruby Executing】的更多相关文章 最近看了点关于Dtrace的东西,它是个通用型的工具,但我主要集中于分析ruby程序的执行上面.关于操作系统的性能分析,比如cpu.内存.io.文件系统等,使用起来貌似挺复杂,木有细看. 这里简单的输出一条命令: sudo dtrace -n 'ruby$target:::object-create {@objects[copyinstr(arg0)]=count();}' -c 'ruby -e "…
Usage: dtrace [-aACeFHlqSvVwZ] [-arch i386|x86_64] [-b bufsz] [-c cmd] [-D name[=def]]      [-I path] [-L path] [-o output] [-p pid] [-s script] [-U name]      [-x opt[=val]]        [-P provider [[ predicate ] action ]]      [-m [ provider: ] module…
Luca Canali on 21 Jan 2016 Topic: this post is about Linux perf and uprobes for tracing and profiling Oracle workloads for advanced troubleshooting. Context The recent progress and maturity of some of the Linux dynamic tracing tools has raised intere…
  By cj on Dec 06, 2012 The powerful DTrace tracing facility has some PHP-specific probes that can be enabled with --enable-dtrace. DTrace for Linux is being created by Oracle and is currently in tech preview. Currently it doesn't support userspace t…
org link: Top 10 DTrace scripts for Mac OS X Since version 10.5 “Leopard”, Mac OS X has had DTrace, a tool used for performance analysis and troubleshooting. It provides d…
End-to-End Tracing of Ajax/Java Applications Using DTrace         By Amit Hurvitz, July 2007     Ajax, DTrace and Where They Meet Ajax is an emerging technology, which got a significant boost with the rise of applications like Google Maps. Ajax is in… MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual -> 5 MySQL Server Administration :: 5.4 Tracing mysqld Using DTrace 5.4.1 mysqld DTrace Probe Reference The DTrace probes in the MySQL server are designed to pro……
Source: I’ve spent an unwise amount of time recently on a problem that arose when me and my Code Schoolcolleagues were developing the challenges for our upcoming course on MapKit. All o… Luca Canali on 01 Dec 2014 Topic: This post is about tracing logical and physical reads in Oracle using SystemTap. You find here a few examp…
OS X 10.11 安装Cocoapods 出现问题的解决方法 今天尝试用 Cocoapods安装个第三方库.. 输入pod install, 发现 command not find. WTF! 估计是升级10.11后Cocoapods被干掉了. 我输入 sudo gem install cocoa pods 之后,出现如下问题: ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EPERM) Operation not permitted - /usr/bin/x…
Mac安装后就安装Xcode是个好主意,它将帮你安装好Unix环境需要的开发包,也可以独立安装command_line_tools_for_xcode 1.安装RVM RVM:Ruby Version Manager,Ruby版本管理器,包括Ruby的版本管理和Gem库管理(gemset). 1.           $ curl -L | bash -s stable 2.           或者 3.           $ bash -s stable <</sp…
最近在接手一个手机项目.在搭建环境的过程中,遇到了一些问题,在下文中已做记录,并奉上个人的解决方案. 开发环境 win2003 ;  JetBrains RubyMine6.3.3 1.  下载最新版ruby,(rubyinstaller-2.0.0-p598.exe ,最新版) 官网: 2.  安装ruby 双击安装,安装过程出现如下界面.如图 这里我们选择安装路径为 D:\Ruby200. 下面有3个选项分别是:(1) 是…
出现问题: C:\Users\len>gem install rails ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError) Errno::ETIMEDOUT: A connection attempt failed because the connected party di d not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection…
环境:OSX EI 10.11.1 昨天切换gem源后,招待pod安装没有任何问题,也可以正常用$ gem sources --add --remove$ sudo gem install cocoapods 今天再使用的时候,在一个项目下执行pod install时半天死活没反应,无奈就ctrl+c了强制退出了.然后再执行的时候就出现错误: Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubyge… Installing via Eclipse Please copy the following Update Site URL to your clipboard and then follow the steps listed below to add this URL to your Available Software Sites list. Attempting to…
his one is tailor made for the Basix users among you. If you've been itching to try out Ruby and/or Rails, if the Terminal is somewhat new to you, you may find that even the process of installing it can generate countless confusing errors. This artic… PyCon SK 2016 - March 2016 1DTrace and PythonJesús Cea Avió SK 2016 - March 2016 2Jesús Cea Avión● Programming in Python since 1996 (Python 1.4).●…
How to Use DTrace to Troubleshoot Java Native Memory Problems on Oracle Solaris 11 Hands-On Labs of the System Admin and Developer Community of OTN by Wang Yu, Vincent Liu, and Gary Wang This lab will introduce the basic concepts of DTrace and provid…
BTrace: DTrace for Java… ish 时间 2012-04-24 16:17:55 原文 主题 BTraceDTrace DTrace first peered into Java in early 2005 thanks to an early prototype by Jarod Jenson that led e…
BTrace: DTrace for Java… ish DTrace first peered into Java in early 2005 thanks to an early prototype by Jarod Jenson that led eventually to the inclusion of USDT probes in the HotSpot JVM. If you want to see where, say, the…
Scope defines where in a program a variable is accessible. Ruby has four types of variable scope, local,global, instance and class. In addition, Ruby has one constant type. Each variable type is declared by using a special character at the start of t…
准备安装ruby on rails,在网上搜了下,步骤都类似,但实际安装过程中却碰到很多问题.下面详细说下: 说明下,文章是按照我尝试的过程描述的.但最终是靠 运行 railsinstaller一键式安装包才成功的(第五段),因此前面的部分大家可以看看,但不用去尝试. 一.首先要安装ruby 因为在windows下安装ruby,都是推荐下载rubyinstaller安装程序. 先进入ruby官网 , 通过上面链接进入ht…
source link: 1. 2. 3. 4.…
DTrace的原理本系列文章详细地介绍了一个 Linux 下的全新的调式.诊断和性能测量工具 Systemtap 和它所依赖的基础 kprobe 以及促使开发该工具的先驱 DTrace 并给出实际使用例子使读者更进一步了解和认识这些工具. 本文是该系列文章之二,它详细地讲解了 DTrace 的原理.本系列文章之一讲解了 kprobe 的原理.编程接口.局限性和使用注意事项并给出实际使用示例帮助读者理解和认识 kprobe.本系列文章之三讲解了 Systemtap 的原理,以及 Systemtap…
原文 26 Dec 2013 ObjectSpace in ruby contains many useful heap debugging utilities. Since 1.9 ruby has included which adds even more methods to the ObjectSpace module: ObjectSpace.each_object{ |o| ... } Ob…
1.1 简介 Ruby语言是由松本行弘(Matz)设计,是一门通用的.面向对象的.解释型语言. 1.2 Ruby?RUBY?ruby? 1.Ruby:用来表示编程的语言 2.ruby:是指一个计算机程序,特指Ruby的解释器 3.RUBY:准确来说没有这种写法,一般是简写,例如WTO. 1.3. 安装方式 方式1 brew brew install ruby 方式2 rvm rvm install 2.2.4 更多rvm可以参考:rvm入门篇-安装和使用 1.4 工具 1.irb:交互式Ruby…
前言 自上一次升级MacOS系统后出现jekyll无法构建的问题,当时处理半天.谁知道最近又升级了MacOS,荒废博客多时,今天吝啬写了一篇准备发布,构建报错,问题重新.还是记录下,以防下次升级出问题. 问题描述 安装jekyll静态博客需要在Ruby环境下运行,于是参照官方文档命令安装对应的依赖包,但是一大堆报错,坑. 步骤一:运行安装命令 linjiajundeMacBook-Pro:~ linjiajun$ gem install bundler ERROR: While executin…
前言: 1.sass编译为css文件,早先时刻写css,后来看了sass挺不错的,于是在新的项目中开始使用上了sass.(grunt需要ruby环境,所以需要先安装ruby,sass环境) ①安装ruby/安装sass ②编译sass文件(eg:style) sass style.scss style.css ③监控文件/文件夹的变化来自动编译sass文件 sass --watch style.scss:style.css #file sass --watch cssFilePath      …
<< System语言详解 >> 关于 SystemTap 的书. 我们在分析各种系统异常和故障的时候,通常会用到 pstack(jstack) /pldd/ lsof/ tcpdump/ gdb(jdb)/ netstat/vmstat/ mpstat/truss(strace)/iostat/sar/nmon(top)等系列工具,这些工具从某个方面为我们提供了诊断信息.但这些工具常常带有各类“副作用”,比如 truss(见于 AIX/Solaris) 或者 strace(见于…