special points about git】的更多相关文章

1 about "origin/master tracks the remote branch" 1.1 what does tracking mean? after "git clone", local "master" branch atomatically tracks the remote "origin/master" branch. thus, "git pull master" will fe…
转自:http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/Git/article.html#git_rename_branch Lars Vogel Version 5.8 Copyright © 2009-2015 vogella GmbH 10.08.2015 Git Tutorial This tutorial explains the usage of the distributed version control system Git via the command li…
给网站设置一个 "根目录下的logo.ico", 还是很有必要的,比如赶集网,这时在 "历史"搜索时, 就可以根据 网站的 logo.ico 很轻松的就能够找到网页-网站了. 如何给一个文件添加 /设置 acl? 为什么要给文件设置 acl? http://www.cnblogs.com/ZhangShuo/articles/1836971.html 给文件添加acl的木的? 如果要让一个other用户, 如john,能够有权去 读写 一个foo文件: 方法一, 让…
github是可以设置hooks的,看:在设置webhooks & services,可在Just the push event.是设定向你的服务器发请求,然后再做相应的处理. https://help.github.com/articles/creating-webhooks 看文档:man githooks NAME githooks - Hooks used by Git SYNOPSIS $GIT_DIR/hooks/* DESCRIPTION Hooks are little scri…
NOTE: Following content is directly reprinted from http://patrickward.com/2013/01/09/using-git-submodules/, please go to the original website for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone ran the tests before committing code? With ghooks, you can automatically add a githook when dependencies are installed which will allow you to define common scripts to be run at various points during git actions (like…
摘要: (1)用git而不是svn.分布式而不是集中式 (2)名词解释 origin是父目录的意思,master是 一个特殊的分支而已.具体参看做最下边: 1.创建仓库 mkdir git cd git  --创建/home/XXX/git空目录 2.通过git init命令把这个目录变成Git可以管理的仓库: git init --初始化Git仓库 3.用命令git add告诉Git,把文件添加到仓库(实际上就是把文件修改添加到暂存区): git add filename 4.用命令git c…
git的定义是一个内容寻址文件系统.内容.寻址.文件.系统,该来的总会来的… 本文旨在通过实践来介绍.git文件夹中的目录及文件功能,属git基础知识.但在此基础上可解决各git使用过程中可能遇到的问题,如“.git文件夹占用空间大”,“git如何找回丢失的对象(提交)”,”git diff 对比依据是什么”等, 话不多说,撸起袖子就是干,来看看 .git 是个啥样,这些个货色都是干嘛的. # 初始化git,查看内容 git init 产生一个.git隐藏文件夹 cd .git ls -F1 #…
原文链接 准备 Step 1. Create a team and add a teammate Step 2. Create a repository with some content 应用 Clone and make a change on a new branch Step 1. Clone your repository to your local system Step 2. Create a branch and pull in locally Step 3. Make a ch…
Reactor Cooling Time Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB      Special Judge The terrorist group leaded by a well known international terrorist Ben Bladen is buliding a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium for the nuclear bomb they are planni…