一.int 整形范围 How Big Is an int? In Python2, the size of an int was limited to 32 bits, which is enough to store an integer from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. A long can store 64 bits. Integers larger than the range will cause Integer Overflow. In ca…
python制作简单excel统计报表2之操作excel的模块openpyxl简单用法 # coding=utf-8 from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image from openpyxl.styles import Font,colors from datetime import datetime import MySQLdb class ExcelUtils(obj…
简述python的几种简单的数据类型及使用方式 字符串 字符串是不可变数据类型,拥有多种内置方法可以操作. 创建字符串就是给变量分配一个字符串的值即可.通常用引号创建字符串. tell = 'my name is Jeff' tell1 = "my name is Jeff" tell2 = '''my name is Jeff, I'm oldboy .''' 字符串切片 tell = 'my name is Jeff' print(tell[0]) print(tell[:7])…