erlang note】的更多相关文章

没有关于erlang interface ,继续寻找吧... --------------------------------------------------------------- erl -noshell -pa erlpath  -s hello(hello.beam) start(in hello.erl) 这个脚本需要使用绝对路径指向包含 hello.beam erlang shell!/bin/bashls > sunexit 0 %%echo.erl-modu…
Getting Started with Erlang Erlang is a great language that lets you build highly concurrent applications. This tutorial will teach you how to quickly get started with it. In this section: Preliminary steps Installing Erlang OTP Windows OS X Linux Ve…
Note: I've compared , and ; in guards to the operators andalso and orelse. They're not exactly the same, though. The former pair will catch exceptions as they happen while the latter won't. What this means is that if there is an error thrown in the f…
虽然忙,有些事还是要抽时间做; Erlang Resources 小站 2014年1月~6月资讯合集,方便检索.      小站地址:   1月   114 RR Elixir with José Valim by CHARLES MAX WOOD on JULY 17, 2013   "The Erlang Runtime Sy…
Erlang/OTP 17.0 has been released     Erlang/OTP 17.0发布了,不过Maps相关的设计还没有尘埃落定,目前:              With Maps you may for instance: -- M0 = #{ a => 1, b => 2}, % create associations -- M1 = M0#{ a := 10 }…
1. The three principles of OOP are encapsulation(封装性), inheritance(继承性) and polymorphism(多态性). example: class Shape{ def area: Double = 0.0 } # supertype # subtypes class Rectangle(val width: Double, val height: Double) extends Shape{ override def ar…
Cowboy是基于Erlang实现的一个轻量级.快速.模块化的http web服务器. 本文官方原文: 默认情况下,Cowboy不会做什么事情.为了使Cowboy可用,需要映射URL和处理请求的Erlang模型(Module),这个过程,我们称之为路由(routing).当Cowboy接收到一个请求,通过路由,Cowboy就会尝试去匹配到相应请求的主机和资源路径.如果匹配成功,那么相关的Er…
Link and Monitor differences 原文地址 Introduction link/1 and monitor/2 are 2 different ways of notifying (or know) that a process died. Thing is, these are really very different in nature and these differences are not widely understood by beginners. So…
出处: erlang的trap机制在实现中用的很多,在费时的BIF操作中基本上都可以看到.它的实现需要erl vm的配合.它的作用基本上有3个: 1. 把费时操作分阶段做.由于erlang是个软实时系统,一个进程或者bif不能无限制的占用cpu时间.所以erlang的每个进程执行的时候,最多只能执行一定数量的指令.这个是设计方面的目标.实现上也要配套.所以比如md5,list_member查找这种可能耗时的操作都是用tra…
r19据说支持了mnesia_ext,终于可以给那个恶心2gb limit的mnesia换存储引擎了 先下载r19源码,编译 ./otp_build all -a ~/dev/erlang/r19 ./Install ~/dev/erlang/r19 关于mnesia_ext,r19说是有了,但是怎么做,没有文档,也没有资料,最后在otp的pull request里面找 看到create_schema,发现…