E: 08-26 16:34:11.934: E/AliSDK(32236): 错误编码 = 1002208-26 16:34:11.934: E/AliSDK(32236): 错误消息 = SDK 组件 Qupaisdk 启动出错,错误消息为 [Qupaisdk], the android stack error message is Fail to start the plugin, which is caused by dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPa…
Android Studio报错: android studio error configuration with name default not found 在进行sync的时候,提示Error:Configuration with name 'default' not found 首先查settings.gradle,看里面include ':app'这样的include是否是自己需要的,或者有的,不需要的就删除 gradle编译工程,每个工程下面都必须要有build.gradle文件,才…
Error:Could not find com.android.tools:common:25.2.2. Searched in the following locations: file:/D:/Program Files/Android/Android Studio/gradle/m2repository/com/android/tools/common/25.2.2/common-25.2.2.pom file:/D:/Program Files/Android/Android Stud…
Stack Overflow 排错翻译 - Closing AlertDialog.Builder in Android -Android环境中关闭AlertDialog.Builder 转自:http://www.lanqibing.com/archives/783.html 原文: In the following code, I tried to dismiss the AlertDialog box but to no avail. However, if I remove compa…
转自: http://blog.csdn.net/aminfo/article/details/7784229 Android:gravity的属性官方说明如下: public static final int AXIS_CLIP Since: API Level 3 Raw bit controlling whether the right/bottom edge is clipped to its container, based on the gravity direction being…
参考博客:Android studio 使用心得(五)—代码混淆和破解apk 参考博客:Android studio 使用心得(四)---android studio 多渠道打包 参考博客:Android studio 使用心得(四)---android studio 多渠道打包(二) 1.混淆文件 proguard-rules.pro # Add project specific ProGuard rules here. # By default, the flags in this file…